import bpy # blender python from pylab import * # plot values (matplotlib) import urllib # download data import math # math: pow(a, b), ... import numpy as np # advanced math (multi dim arrays) # TLE class class TLE: # get value from satellite def get(value, category, satNr): with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data: content = data.readlines() if value == "name": return content[(satNr)*3][0:15] elif value == "LineNumber": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][0:1] elif value == "Classification": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][7:8] elif value == "LaunchYear": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][9:11] elif value == "LaunchNumber": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][11:14] elif value == "LaunchPiece": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][14:17] elif value == "EpochYear": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][18:20] elif value == "EpochDayFraction": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][20:32] elif value == "EpochDay": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][20:23] elif value == "EpochTime": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][24:32] elif value == "FirstTimeDerivative": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][33:43] elif value == "SecondTimeDerivative": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][44:52] elif value == "BSTARDragTerm": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][53:61] elif value == "Num0": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][62:63] elif value == "ElementSetNumber": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][64:68] elif value == "Checksum1": return content[((satNr)*3)+1][68:69] elif value == "LineNumber2": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][0:1] elif value == "Number2": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][2:7] elif value == "Inclination": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][8:16] elif value == "RAAN": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][17:25] elif value == "Eccentricity": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][26:33] elif value == "ArgumentOfPerigee": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][34:42] elif value == "MeanAnomaly": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][43:51] elif value == "MeanMotion": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][52:63] elif value == "Revloution": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][63:68] elif value == "Checksum2": return content[((satNr)*3)+2][68:69] # downlaod specific categeory def download(category): webx_loc = '' + category + '.txt' disk_loc = 'TLE/' + category + '.txt' urllib.request.urlretrieve(webx_loc, disk_loc) # get number of satellites in specific ategory def numOfSat(category): with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data: content = data.readlines() return int(len(content) / 3) # print specified category def printTLE(category, satNr): with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data: content = data.readlines() print(content[((satNr)*3)+1], end="") print(content[((satNr)*3)+2], end="") # controll createSatellite = True category = "dummy" # define globalScale = 8 numOfSat = TLE.numOfSat(category) # satSize = 0.005 satSize = 5 orbitSubDivs = 128 # create lists: lia_x = [] lia_y = [] lia_z = [] lia_apogee = [] lia_duration = [] # create "all in one" list xyz = list( [[], [], []] for _ in range(0, numOfSat)) # defein blender scene sce = bpy.context.scene n = TLE.numOfSat(category) # select all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') print("selected all") # delete all objects bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) print("deleted all") # loop all satellites in predefined category for i in range(0, numOfSat): # for i in range(0, 2): satNr = i name = TLE.get("name", category, satNr) print("{:#<80}".format("#")) print("") print(name) print("{:<5}{:<1}{:<5}".format(i, "/", TLE.numOfSat(category))) print("") # get Inclination and convert inc_deg = float(TLE.get("Inclination", category, satNr)) inc_rad = inc_deg / 180.0 * math.pi # calculate apogee / perigee n0 = float(TLE.get("MeanMotion", category, satNr)) semimajoraxis = ((6.6228 / pow(n0, 2/3)) * 6371) orbitheight = semimajoraxis - 6378 # define time things frames = 86400 frame_long = 15000 duration = frames / n0 frame = (((15000 / duration) - int(15000 / duration)) * duration) # get Eccentricity and convert e0_a = str(TLE.get("Eccentricity", category, satNr)) e0 = float("0." + e0_a) # define apogee / perigee apogee = abs(semimajoraxis * (1 + e0) - 6378) perigee = abs(semimajoraxis * (1 - e0) - 6378) # get RAAN and convert RAAN_deg = float(TLE.get("RAAN", category, satNr)) RAAN_rad = RAAN_deg * math.pi / 180 # get AoP and convert AoP_deg = float(TLE.get("ArgumentOfPerigee", category, satNr)) AoP_rad = AoP_deg * math.pi / 180 # eccentricity test a = (apogee + 6378) - (perigee + 6378) b = (apogee + 6378) + (perigee + 6378) e = a / b # get name of sat name = str(TLE.get("name", category, satNr)) # print informations to console print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format("value", "degrees", "radians")) print("+{:-<20}+{:-<20}+{:-<20}+".format("-", "-", "-")) print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format("inc", inc_deg, inc_rad)) print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format("RAAN", RAAN_deg, RAAN_rad)) print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format("AoP", AoP_deg, AoP_rad)) print("") print("|{:<20}|".format("semimajoraxis")) print("+{:-<20}+".format("-")) print("|{:<20}|".format(semimajoraxis)) print("") print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format("Apogee", "Perigee")) print("+{:-<20}+{:-<20}+".format("-", "-")) print("|{:<20}|{:<20}|".format(apogee, perigee)) print("") print("TLE:") TLE.printTLE(category, satNr) print("") # add orbit w/ name bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(radius=1, vertices=orbitSubDivs) = name # add satellite w/ name bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=satSize) = name + "sat" # define orbit / sat orbit = bpy.context.scene.objects[name] sat = bpy.context.scene.objects[name + "sat"] orbitname = name satname = name + "sat" # convert orbit mesh to curve = False = True = orbit bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE') duration = int(86400 / n0) # set orbit duration[name].path_duration = duration print("n0 -> " + str(n0)) print("duration -> " + str(duration)) # resize orbit = True orbit.scale[0] = apogee orbit.scale[1] = perigee # set sat to follow orbit sat.location[1] = perigee # make satellite follow orbit = orbit bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='FOLLOW') select.orbit = False select.sat = True = orbit[orbitname].path_duration = duration # set Argument of Perigee orbit.rotation_euler[2] = AoP_rad # set inclination orbit.rotation_euler[0] = inc_rad # set RAAN bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=RAAN_rad, constraint_axis=(False, False, True), constraint_orientation='LOCAL') # set orbit as active object = orbit # select sat = True # get location each x frames (higher -> quicker) resolution = 10 # delete old lists del lia_x[:] del lia_y[:] del lia_z[:] del lia_apogee[:] del lia_duration[:] # get values from sat for x in range(0, duration, resolution): # set frame sce.frame_set(x) # clear parent to be able to get values bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM') # add location to list lia_x.append(sat.location[0]) xyz[i][0].append(sat.location[0]) # re-add parent for visualization bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='FOLLOW') for y in range(0, duration, resolution): # set frame sce.frame_set(y) # clear parent to be able to get values bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM') # add location to list lia_y.append(sat.location[1]) xyz[i][1].append(sat.location[1]) # re-add parent for visualization bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='FOLLOW') for z in range(0, duration, resolution): # set frame sce.frame_set(z) # clear parent to be able to get values bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM') # add location to list lia_z.append(sat.location[2]) xyz[i][2].append(sat.location[2]) # re-add parent for visualization bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='FOLLOW') # create duration list for i in range(0, int(duration / resolution), 1): lia_duration.append(i) # print length of list lia_x length = len(lia_x) print("length -> " + str(length)) # plot location values # plot(lia_x, '-ro') # plot(lia_y, '-go') # plot(lia_z, '-bo') print("{:#<80}".format("#")) # create array filled with zeros array = np.zeros((numOfSat + 3, numOfSat + 3)) # array = np.zeros((10, 10)) # define t = 1 satNr = 1 for t in range(0, 10, 1): print(xyz[satNr][0][t]) print(xyz[satNr][1][t]) print(xyz[satNr][2][t]) print(numOfSat) # horizontal define: y = 0 # for x in range(3, 10, 1): for x in range(3, numOfSat + 3, 1): array[y+0, x] = round(xyz[x-3][0][t], 1) array[y+1, x] = round(xyz[x-3][1][t], 1) array[y+2, x] = round(xyz[x-3][2][t], 1) print("") print(array) print("") # vertical define: x = 0 # for y in range(3, 10, 1): for y in range(3, numOfSat + 3, 1): array[y, x+0] = round(xyz[y-3][0][t], 1) array[y, x+1] = round(xyz[y-3][1][t], 1) array[y, x+2] = round(xyz[y-3][2][t], 1) print(array) print("") for x in range(3, numOfSat + 3, 1): for y in range(3, numOfSat + 3, 1): # for x in range(3, numOfSa, 1): # for y in range(3, numOfSat, 1): # print("{:-<10}".format("-")) # print(x, y) # print("") a = array[0, x] b = array[1, x] c = array[2, x] # print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}".format(a, b, c)) d = array[y, 0] e = array[y, 1] f = array[y, 2] # print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}".format(d, e, f)) g = pow(abs(a - d), 2) h = pow(abs(b - e), 2) i = pow(abs(c - f), 2) # print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}".format(g, h, i)) # j = math.sqrt(g) # k = math.sqrt(h) # l = math.sqrt(i) # print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}".format(j, k, l)) # # m = j + k + l m = round(math.sqrt(g + h + i), 1) # print(m) array[x, y] = m print("") print(array) for i in range(0, int(numOfSat)): plot(xyz[i][0], '-ro') plot(xyz[i][1], '-go') plot(xyz[i][2], '-bo') # plot(abc, '-ko') for x in range(3, numOfSat, 1): for y in range(3, numOfSat, 1): if array[x, y] <= 1 and array[x, y] > 0 : print(array[x, y]) # select all and resize bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(globalScale, globalScale, globalScale)) # show plot grid(True) savefig("run.png") title("resolution: " + str(resolution)) xlabel("Nr. of Value (Value * resolution to get Frame Time)") ylabel("location in km") xlim(0, duration / resolution) ylim(-apogee - 100, apogee + 100) show() sce.frame_set(0)