package forces import ( "../structs" "fmt" "" "math" ) // forces_acting calculates the force inbetween the two given stars s1 and s2 // The function return the force func forceActing(s1 structs.Star, s2 structs.Star) structs.Force { // Gravitational constant var G = 6.674 * math.Pow(10, -11) // Distance between the stars var r21 = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(s2.C.X-s1.C.X, 2) + math.Pow(s2.C.Y-s1.C.Y, 2)) // Unit vector pointing from s1 to s2 rhat := structs.Force{s2.C.X - s1.C.X, s2.C.Y - s1.C.Y} // Calculate how strong the star is affected var F_scalar = G * (s1.Mass * s2.Mass) / math.Pow(math.Abs(r21), 2) // Calculate the overall force by combining the scalar and the vector var Fx = F_scalar * rhat.X var Fy = F_scalar * rhat.Y // Pack the forces in a force structur F := structs.Force{Fx, Fy} return F } // forces calculates the forces acting in between a given star and all the other stars in a given array. func forces(stars_arr []structs.Star, nr int) structs.Force { var force structs.Force // Iterate over all the stars in the stars_arr for index := range stars_arr { // If the current star is not the star itself if index != nr { // generate a new force and add it to the overall force of the star fa := forceActing(stars_arr[nr], stars_arr[index]) stars_arr[nr].F.X += fa.X stars_arr[nr].F.Y += fa.Y force.X += fa.X force.Y += fa.Y } } return force } // CalcAllForces calculates all the forces acting inbetween all the stars in the given starSlice slice and // returns a "new" slice contaning the forces func CalcAllForces(starSlice []structs.Star) []structs.Star { // Define a new slice in which the stars (and the forces acting on them) should be saved var new_slice []structs.Star fmt.Printf("\n") // Define a progres-bar bar := pb.StartNew(len(starSlice)).Prefix("Stars done: ") bar.SetWidth(80) // Iterate over all the stars in the original slice for index := range starSlice { // Increment the progress-bar bar.Increment() // Calculate the force acting inbetween the given star and all other stars // This utilizes go-routines :D var force = forces(starSlice, index) // create a new star current_star := structs.Star{ structs.Coord{starSlice[index].C.X, starSlice[index].C.Y}, structs.Force{force.X, force.Y}, starSlice[index].Mass, } // append the new star to the new slice new_slice = append(new_slice, current_star) } // Print a newline after the progressbar bar.FinishPrint("") return new_slice }