# circus-compose docker-compose that can be used to start a circus (note: a digital one...) ## Setup Create a `circus` network before starting (if note already done yet)!: ``` $ docket network create circus $ docket network create circus_db ``` Set the `HOSTNAME` environment variable in the `.env` file to the host you want to host the ctf on, for example: ``` HOSTNAME=docker.localhost ``` Define Grafana foo in `grafana.env`: ``` GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=http://grafana.docker.localhost:3000 GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret ``` start the stack: ``` $ docker-compose up -d ``` Services: - [http://traefik.docker.localhost](http://traefik.docker.localhost) - [http://register.docker.localhost](http://register.docker.localhost) - [http://scoreboard.docker.localhost/metrics](http://scoreboard.docker.localhost/metrics) - [http://prometheus.docker.localhost](http://prometheus.docker.localhost) - [http://grafana.docker.localhost](http://grafana.docker.localhost)