package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/csv" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) func main() { parameters := structs.NewEnv("localhost:8042", "data.csv", 10, 0) boundary := structs.NewBoundary(0, 0, 4000) // define the history box displayed in the top part of the window history := tui.NewVBox() historyScroll := tui.NewScrollArea(history) historyScroll.SetAutoscrollToBottom(true) historyBox := tui.NewVBox(historyScroll) historyBox.SetBorder(true) // define the input bar displayed on the bottom window edge input := tui.NewEntry() input.SetFocused(true) input.SetSizePolicy(tui.Expanding, tui.Maximum) inputBox := tui.NewHBox(input) inputBox.SetBorder(true) inputBox.SetSizePolicy(tui.Expanding, tui.Maximum) // define a root container containing all the containers and maximizing them in the given space root := tui.NewVBox(historyBox, inputBox) root.SetSizePolicy(tui.Expanding, tui.Expanding) // on submission of the input box, add the text to the history box input.OnSubmit(func(e *tui.Entry) { // add the input to the history history.Append(tui.NewHBox(tui.NewLabel(e.Text()))) handleInput(history, e.Text(), parameters, boundary) input.SetText("") }) ui, err := tui.New(root) if err != nil { panic(err) } ui.SetKeybinding("Esc", func() { ui.Quit() }) if err := ui.Run(); err != nil { panic(err) } } func faultyInput(history *tui.Box) { // print an error message if the input cannot be assigned to an action history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", "Faulty Input!")), ), ) } func printEnvironment(history *tui.Box, parameters *structs.Env) { history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30s", "", "url", parameters.Url())), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30s", "", "data", parameters.Data())), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30d", "", "amount", parameters.Amount())), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30d", "", "treeindex", parameters.Treeindex())), ), ) } func printBoundary(history *tui.Box, boundary *structs.Boundary) { history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30d", "", "x", boundary.X())), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30d", "", "y", boundary.Y())), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-15s%-30d", "", "width", boundary.Width())), ), ) } func setEnvironment(history *tui.Box, parameters *structs.Env, key string, value string) { switch key { case "url": parameters.SetUrl(value) break case "data": parameters.SetData(value) break case "amount": valueInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) parameters.SetAmount(valueInt) break case "treeindex": valueInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) parameters.SetTreeindex(valueInt) break default: faultyInput(history) } } func setBoundary(history *tui.Box, boundary *structs.Boundary, key string, value string) { switch key { case "x": valueInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) boundary.SetX(valueInt) break case "y": valueInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) boundary.SetY(valueInt) break case "width": valueInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) boundary.SetWidth(valueInt) break default: faultyInput(history) } } func handleInput(history *tui.Box, input string, parameters *structs.Env, boundary *structs.Boundary) { if input == "help" { history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-35s%-30s", "", "print ", "print the according local values")), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-35s%-30s", "", "set [KEY] [VALUE]", "set the local values")), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-35s%-30s", "", "new", "Create a new tree using the values defined in env and boundary")), ), ) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-35s%-30s", "", "", "quit")), ), ) return } if strings.HasPrefix(input, "print") { key := "" if len(input) > 6 { key = strings.Split(input[6:], " ")[0] } else { history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-35s", "", "[env|bounadry|all]")), ), ) return } switch key { case "env": printEnvironment(history, parameters) break case "boundary": printBoundary(history, boundary) break case "all": printEnvironment(history, parameters) printBoundary(history, boundary) break default: } return } // test if the input string starts with 'set' if strings.HasPrefix(input, "set") { // trim of the "set" off the string parameter := strings.Split(input[4:], " ")[0] key := strings.Split(input[4:], " ")[1] value := strings.Split(input[4:], " ")[2] switch parameter { case "env": setEnvironment(history, parameters, key, value) break case "boundary": setBoundary(history, boundary, key, value) break } return } if input == "new" { history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", "Creating a new tree")), ), ) // Generate the request url requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/new", parameters.Url()) // Bundle the post request data data := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("x=%d&y=%d&w=%d", boundary.X(), boundary.Y(), boundary.Width())) // make the new request the the endpoint defined above using the data bundled above req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", requestUrl, bytes.NewBuffer(data)) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error reading request.", err) } // Send the request client := http.Client{} resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error reading response.", err) } // return the http response code history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", resp.Status)), ), ) return } if input == "insert" { infoMessage := fmt.Sprintf("Inserting %d stars from %s into tree Nr. %d defined in %s.", parameters.Amount(), parameters.Data(), parameters.Treeindex(), parameters.Url()) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", infoMessage)), ), ) // open parameters.Data() dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(parameters.Data()) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error reading file") } // parse the data using a csv reader csvData := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(string(dat))) for i := 0; i < int(parameters.Amount()); i++ { record, err := csvData.Read() if err == io.EOF { break } if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error Reading the csv data: ", err) } history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", record)), ), ) // Generate the request url requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/insert/%d", parameters.Url(), parameters.Treeindex()) history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "requesturl: ", requestUrl)), ), ) x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(record[0], 64) y, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(record[0], 64) // Bundle the post request data data := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("x=%f&y=%f&vx=0&vy=0&m=10", x, y)) // make the new request the the endpoint defined above using the data bundled above req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", requestUrl, bytes.NewBuffer(data)) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error reading request.", err) } // Send the request client := http.Client{} resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error reading response.", err) } // return the http response code history.Append( tui.NewHBox( tui.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%10s%-30s", "", resp.Status)), ), ) } return } faultyInput(history) }