from pwn import * import itertools import re import random import functools import time alpha = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] #print(30*"=*") # ------------------ EXAMPLE ------------------ # s = λb ε. ε b -> s = λx y. x # t = λb ε. b ε -> s = λx y. y # Please provide inputs [v1, v2, v3, ..., vn] such that: # ((s) (v1) (v2) (v3) ... (vn)) beta-reduces to (λx y. x) # ((t) (v1) (v2) (v3) ... (vn)) beta-reduces to (λx y. y) # # How many terms do you want to input? 2 # Please input term 1: (λa . (λx y . y)) # Please input term 2: (λa . (λx y . x)) # Correct! #(λe. e (λa . (λx y . y)) (λa . (λx y . x))) #(λa . (λx y . y))) (λa . (λx y . x)) # [m] (λa b. a b a) (λa b. a) (λa b. b) # [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) b a) (λa b. b) # [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) b (λe f. e)) (λa b. b) # [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) (λg h. g) (λe f. e)) def get_expr(value, get_func=False): brace_count = 0 ret = [] partial_ret = "" for char in value: if char == "(": brace_count += 1 if char == ")": brace_count -= 1 partial_ret += char if brace_count == 0: ret.append(partial_ret) partial_ret = "" # only get func, stop at first occurence of brace_count = 0 if get_func == True: break else: # only stop at end of string # we're contining until we're done with the string pass if '' in ret: ret.remove('') if ' ' in ret: ret.remove(' ') return ret def normalize(expr): alphabet_free = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] alph = alphabet_free.copy() mappings = {} for i, char in enumerate(expr): if char in alph: if char not in mappings: newchar = alphabet_free[0] alphabet_free.remove(newchar) mappings[char] = newchar else: newchar = mappings[char] expr[i] = newchar return expr def match(a, b): #print() #print(f"[] {a=}") #print(f"[] {b=}") a = list(a) b = list(b) a = normalize(a) b = normalize(b) a = ''.join(a) b = ''.join(b) #print(f"[] {a=}") #print(f"[] {b=}") return a == b def beta_reduce(expression): # used to track "free" variable names alphabet_free = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] alphabet_used = [] #print(f"[i] input: {expression}") #################### parse the func func = get_expr(expression, True)[0] expression = expression.replace(func, "", 1).strip() # delete func from expression #print(f"[i] \t| {func=}") #################### parse the parameters params ="λ([a-z ]+)\.", func).group(1).split(" ") for val in params: if val in alphabet_free: alphabet_free.remove(val) if val not in alphabet_used and val in alpha: alphabet_used.append(val) alphabet_free = list(set(alphabet_free)) #print(f"[i] \t| {params=}") #################### parse the body body ="λ[a-z ]+\.([λ.()a-z ]+)\)", func).group(1)[1:] body = get_expr(body) for val in body: if val in alphabet_free: alphabet_free.remove(val) if val not in alphabet_used and val in alpha: alphabet_used.append(val) alphabet_free = list(set(alphabet_free)) if ' ' in body: # otherwise we get in the loop below body.remove(' ') #print(f"[i] \t| {body=}") #################### parse the args args = get_expr(expression, False) if '' in args: # otherwise we get in the loop below args.remove('') if ' ' in args: # otherwise we get in the loop below args.remove(' ') #print(f"[i] \t| {args=}") #print(f"[i] \t| {alphabet_free=}") #print(f"[i] \t| {alphabet_used=}") count_remove = 0 # amount of params/args to remove for i in range(0, len(args)): # all params have been handled, break if count_remove == len(params): break #print(f"[ ] {i=} {args[i]=} {params[i]=}") # for each element in the body, try to replace the parameter with the # provided argument for j in range(0, len(body)): #print(f" {i=} {j=} {body[j]} {params[i]=} {args[i]=}") new_arg = args[i] available_alph = [char for char in alphabet_free if char not in new_arg] if params[i] in body[j]: partial_alphabet = [] for letter in alphabet_used: if letter in new_arg: #print(f"{alphabet_free=}") #print(f"{alphabet_used=}") char = available_alph[0] #print(f"--> {new_arg} {letter} {char}") new_arg = new_arg.replace(letter, char) #print(f"--> {new_arg} {letter} {char}") alphabet_free.remove(char) available_alph.remove(char) if char not in alphabet_used: partial_alphabet.append(char) alphabet_used.extend(partial_alphabet) body[j] = body[j].replace(params[i], new_arg) #print(f" new body char {body[j]}") #print(f" new body = {' '.join(body)}") count_remove += 1 #for char in params[:count_remove]: # alphabet_used.remove(char) # alphabet_free.append(char) params = params[count_remove:] args = args[count_remove:] #print(f"{len(alphabet_free)=}") #print(f"{len(alphabet_used)=}") #print(f"{alphabet_used=}") if len(params) == 0: # return espression only new_params = " ".join(params) new_body = " ".join(body) new_args = " ".join(args) new_expression = f"{new_body} {new_args}" return new_expression else: # return partially applied function new_params = " ".join(params) new_body = " ".join(body) new_args = " ".join(args) new_expression = f"(λ{new_params}. {new_body}) {new_args}" return new_expression # get an expression and beta reduce it as long as it is a function or starts # with a function def recurse(expression): expression = expression.strip() depth = 0 try: while expression[1] == "λ" and len(get_expr(expression))>1: expression = beta_reduce(expression).strip() #print(f"[d {depth}] {expression=}") depth += 1 if depth >= 50: break except: pass return expression ################################################################################ primitives = {} primitives["TRUE"] = "(λc d. c)" primitives["CONST_TRUE"] = f'(λa. {primitives["TRUE"]})' primitives["FALSE"] = "(λe f. f)" primitives["CONST_FALSE"] = f'(λb. {primitives["FALSE"]})' primitives["AND"] = "(λa b. a b a)" primitives["OR"] = f'(λa b. a a b)' primitives["IDENDTITY1"] = f'(λa. a)' primitives["NOT"] = f'(λp. p {primitives["FALSE"]} {primitives["TRUE"]})' @functools.lru_cache() def gen_funcs(param_count=2, body_count=3): ret = [] params = " ".join([alpha[i] for i in range(0, param_count)]) product = [x for x in itertools.product(''.join(alpha[:param_count]), repeat=body_count)] for body in product: body = " ".join(body) ret.append(f'(λ{params}. {body})') return ret funcs2 = gen_funcs(param_count=2, body_count=3) funcs3 = gen_funcs(param_count=3, body_count=4) funcs4 = gen_funcs(param_count=4, body_count=4) manual = [ '(λb a c c. {primitives["TRUE"]})', ] primi = primitives #expr = f'{primi["AND"]} {primi["TRUE"]} {primi["OR"]}' #r2 = recurse(expr) #print(f"{r2=}") #print(60*"-") #possible_vals = [[a for a in primi.values()], funcs2, funcs3, funcs4] #possible_vals = [[a for a in primi.values()], funcs2, funcs3] possible_vals = [[a for a in primi.values()], funcs3, manual] #possible_vals = [[a for a in primi.values()], funcs2] ############################################################ # Brute Forcer ############################################################ #s = "(λa b. b a)" #t = "(λa b. b b)" #print(f"[ ] {s=}") #print(f"[ ] {t=}") #goal_s = "(λa b. a)" #goal_t = "(λa b. b)" #print(f"[ ] {goal_s=}") #print(f"[ ] {goal_t=}") total_len = len([b for a in possible_vals for b in a]) def brute_force(level, s, t, goal_s, goal_t): counter = 0 while True: print(f"\r{level}, {counter:10} / {total_len:10} | {s} | {t}", end="") rands = [] for i in range(0, random.choice([1, 2, 3])): rands.append(random.choice(random.choice(possible_vals))) #print() #print(f"[ ] {s=}") #print(f"[ ] {t=}") #print(f"[ ] {rand1=}") #print(f"[ ] {rand2=}") term_s = " ".join([s, *rands]) term_t = " ".join([t, *rands]) #print(f"[ ] {term_s=}") #print(f"[ ] {term_t=}") r_s = recurse(term_s) r_t = recurse(term_t) #print(f"[ ] {r_s=}") #print(f"[ ] {r_t=}") #print(f"[ ] {match(r_s, goal_s)=}") #print(f"[ ] {match(r_t, goal_t)=}") if match(r_s, goal_s) and match(r_t, goal_t): print(40*"=") print(f"[ ] {s=} {t=}") print(f"[ ] {rands=}") print(f"[ ] {goal_s=}") print(f"[ ] {r_s=}") print(f"[ ] {r_t=}") print(40*"=") break counter += 1 return rands ############################################################ # Server Interaction ############################################################ p = remote("", 60000) p.readuntil("s = ") level = 0 while True: p.readuntil("s = ") s = "("+ p.readline().decode().strip() + ")" print(f"{s=}") p.readuntil("t = ") t = "(" + p.readline().decode().strip() + ")" print(f"{t=}") p.readuntil("beta-reduces to ") goal_s = p.readline().decode().strip() print(f"{goal_s=}") p.readuntil("beta-reduces to ") goal_t = p.readline().decode().strip() print(f"{goal_t=}") # solve res = brute_force(level, s, t, goal_s, goal_t) print(res) p.readline() p.sendlineafter("want to input? ", str(len(res)).encode('utf-8')) for i in range(1, len(res)+1): p.sendlineafter(f"term {i}: ", str(res[i-1]).encode('utf-8')) #p.interactive() level += 1 # LOOK INTO: #61322 / 96 | (λa b. a (b a)) | (λa b. a (b b)) #s = "(λa b. a a)" #t = "(λa. a a)" #goal_s = primitives["TRUE"] #goal_t = primitives["FALSE"] #print(brute_force(s, t, goal_s, goal_t))