[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/git.darknebu.la/emile/metrics-bundler)](https://goreportcard.com/report/git.darknebu.la/emile/metrics-bundler) # metrics-bundler The metrics bunder is a service receiving metrics from other services bunding them for further user in prometheus and other time series databases. ## Functions (read / write metrics) First of all, writing metrics works by submitting a POST request to the /metrics endpoint: ```bash $ url -X POST --data "key=number&value=800" https://metrics-bundler.nbg1.emile.space/metrics ``` After that, a GET request can be submitted to the same endpoint (`/metrics`). It returns all of the metrics submitted: ```bash $ curl -X GET https://metrics-bundler.nbg1.emile.space/metrics number 800.000000 ``` ## Prometheus integration Prometheus can be instructed to use this by creating a new job in the prometheus configuration file: ``` ... - job_name: 'metrics-bundler' scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: [':'] ... ``` Using the job a above, prometheus is instructed to scrape the /metrics endpoint of the given host every 5 seconds.