package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" ) // Config defines the meta config type Config struct { // Arch defines the architecture the battle should run in Arch string // Bits defines the bitness Bits int // Memsize defines the arena size Memsize int // MaxProgSize defines the maximal bot size MaxProgSize int // Bots defines a list of bots to take part in the battle Bots []Bot // AmountOfBots defines the amount of bots taking part in the tournament AmountOfBots int // RandomOffsets defines the offset in memory where the bots should be placed RandomOffsets []int // GameRoundTime defines the length of a gameround GameRoundDuration time.Duration } // Bot defines a bot type Bot struct { // Path defines the path to the source of the bot Path string // Source defines the source of the bot after being compiled with rasm2 Source string // Addr defines the initial address the bot is placed at Addr int // Regs defines the state of the registers of the bot // It is used to store the registers after each round and restore them in the // next round when the bot's turn has come Regs string } func parseConfig() Config { arch := flag.String("arch", "x86", "bot architecture (mips|arm|x86)") bits := flag.Int("bits", 32, "bot bitness (8|16|32|64)") maxProgSize := flag.Int("maxProgSize", 64, "the maximum bot size") memPerBot := flag.Int("memPerBot", 512, "the amount of memory each bot should add to the arena") gameRoundDuration := flag.Duration("t", 250*time.Millisecond, "The duration of a round") v := flag.Bool("v", false, "info") vv := flag.Bool("vv", false, "debug") vvv := flag.Bool("vvv", false, "trace") flag.Parse() if *v == true { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.InfoLevel) } else if *vv == true { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } else if *vvv == true { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.TraceLevel) } else { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.WarnLevel) } // parse all trailing command line arguments as path to bot sourcecode amountOfBots := flag.NArg() memsize := amountOfBots * *memPerBot logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "mem per bot": *memPerBot, "amountOfBots": amountOfBots, "memsize": memsize, }).Infof("Loaded config") // define a config to return config := Config{ Arch: *arch, Bits: *bits, Memsize: memsize, MaxProgSize: *maxProgSize, AmountOfBots: amountOfBots, GameRoundDuration: *gameRoundDuration, } return config } // define bots defines the bots given via command line arguments func defineBots(config *Config) { logrus.Info("Defining the bots") // define a list of bots by parsing the command line arguments one by one var bots []Bot for i := 0; i < config.AmountOfBots; i++ { bot := Bot{ Path: flag.Arg(i), } bots = append(bots, bot) } config.Bots = bots } func r2cmd(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, input string) string { logrus.Tracef("> %s", input) // send a command buf1, err := r2p.Cmd(input) if err != nil { panic(err) } // return the result of the command as a string return buf1 } func buildBots(config *Config) { logrus.Info("Building all bots") // build all the bots for i := 0; i < config.AmountOfBots; i++ { buildBot(i, config) } } // buildBot builds the bot located at the given path. func buildBot(i int, config *Config) { logrus.Debugf("Building bot %d", i) // open radare without input for building the bot r2p1, err := r2pipe.NewPipe("--") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer r2p1.Close() // Compile a warrior using rasm2 // // This uses the given architecture, the given bitness and the given path in // rasm2 to compile the bot botPath := config.Bots[i].Path radareCommand := fmt.Sprintf("rasm2 -a %s -b %d -f %s", config.Arch, config.Bits, botPath) botSource := r2cmd(r2p1, radareCommand) config.Bots[i].Source = botSource } // init initializes the arena func initArena(config *Config) *r2pipe.Pipe { logrus.Info("Initializing the arena") logrus.Debugf("Allocating %d bytes of memory...", config.Memsize) // allocate memory r2p, err := r2pipe.NewPipe(fmt.Sprintf("malloc://%d", config.Memsize)) if err != nil { panic(err) } logrus.Info("Memoy successfully allocated") // define the architecture and the bitness _ = r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("e asm.arch = %s", config.Arch)) _ = r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("e asm.bits = %d", config.Bits)) // enable colors // _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color = 0") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color = 3") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color.args = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color.bytes = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color.grep = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color.ops = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.bgfill = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.color.pipe = true") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e scr.utf8 = true") // hex column width _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e hex.cols = 32") // initialize ESIL VM state logrus.Debug("Initializing the ESIL VM") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "aei") // initialize ESIL VM stack logrus.Debug("Initializing the ESIL Stack") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "aeim") // return the pipe return r2p } // genRandomOffsets returns random offsets for all bots // This is used to get the offset the bots are initially placed in func genRandomOffsets(config *Config) { logrus.Info("Generating random bot offsets") // define the amount of bots, an array to store the offsets in and a counter // to store the amount of tries it took to find a random positon for the bots var amountOfBots int = len(config.Bots) var offsets []int var roundCounter int = 0 // seed the random number generator rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) for { // reset the offsets array offsets = []int{} // define a random address // | ------------------------------------- | ----- | // | generate an address in this space address := rand.Intn(config.Memsize - config.MaxProgSize) logrus.Tracef("%d", address) // for all bots, try to generate another random address after the intially // generated address and test if it fits in memory for i := 0; i < amountOfBots; i++ { // append the address to the offsets array offsets = append(offsets, address) // define a min and max bound // // | ------|-|----------------------------------|-| // | | | in this space | | // a b c d e // // a = 0x0 // b = address // c = address + config.MaxProcSize (min) // d = config.Memsize - config.MaxProgSize (max) // e = config.Memsize min := address + config.MaxProgSize max := config.Memsize - config.MaxProgSize // if the new minimum bound is bigger or equal to the maximum bound, // discard this try and start with a fresh new initial address if min >= max { roundCounter++ break } // generate a new address in the [min, max) range defined above address = rand.Intn(max-min) + min logrus.Tracef("%d", address) // If there isn't enough space inbetween the address and the biggest // possible address, as in, the biggest possible bot can't fit in that // space, discard and start with a new fresh initial address if (config.Memsize-config.MaxProgSize)-address < config.MaxProgSize { roundCounter++ break } } // if the needed amount of offsets has been found, break out of the infinite loop if len(offsets) == amountOfBots { break } } logrus.Infof("Initial bot positions found after %d tries", roundCounter) // debug print all offsets var fields0 logrus.Fields = make(logrus.Fields) for i := 0; i < len(offsets); i++ { fields0[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)] = offsets[i] } logrus.WithFields(fields0).Debug("Offsets") // shuffle the offsets rand.Shuffle(len(offsets), func(i, j int) { offsets[i], offsets[j] = offsets[j], offsets[i] }) // debug print the shuffled offsets var fields1 logrus.Fields = make(logrus.Fields) for i := 0; i < len(offsets); i++ { fields1[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)] = offsets[i] } logrus.WithFields(fields1).Debug("Shuffled offsets") config.RandomOffsets = offsets } // place the bot in the arena at the given address func placeBot(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, bot Bot, address int) { _ = r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("wx %s @ %d", bot.Source, address)) } func placeBots(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, config *Config) { logrus.Info("Placing the bots in the arena") // place each bot in the arena for bot := 0; bot < len(config.Bots); bot++ { // get the address where the bot should be placed address := config.RandomOffsets[bot] // Place the bot in the arena logrus.Debugf("[i] Placing bot %d at %d", bot, address) placeBot(r2p, config.Bots[bot], address) logrus.Debugf("\n%s", r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("pd 0x8 @ %d", address))) // store the initial address of the bot in the according struct field config.Bots[bot].Addr = address // define the instruction point and the stack pointer _ = r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("aer PC=%d", config.Bots[bot].Addr)) _ = r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("aer SP=SP+%d", config.Bots[bot].Addr)) // dump the registers of the bot for being able to switch inbetween them // This is done in order to be able to play one step of each bot at a time, // but sort of in parallel initialRegisers := strings.Replace(r2cmd(r2p, "aerR"), "\n", ";", -1) config.Bots[bot].Regs = initialRegisers } } func defineErrors(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe) { // handle errors in esil _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e cmd.esil.todo=f theend=1") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e cmd.esil.trap=f theend=1") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e cmd.esil.intr=f theend=1") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "e cmd.esil.ioer=f theend=1") _ = r2cmd(r2p, "f theend=0") } // StepIn steps in and stores the state of the registers for the given bot func stepIn(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe) { _ = r2cmd(r2p, "aes") } // switchPlayer returns the id of the next Player func switchPlayer(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, currentPlayer int, config *Config) int { // calculate the index of the nextPlayer nextPlayer := (currentPlayer + 1) % config.AmountOfBots return nextPlayer } func arena(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, config *Config, id, gen int) string { var res string = "" // clear the screen res += "\x1b[2J\x1b[0;0H" // res += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", r2cmd(r2p, "?eg 0 0")) // print some general information such as the current user and the round the // game is in ip := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", r2cmd(r2p, "aer~eip")) res += fmt.Sprintf("Round: %d \t\t User: %d \t\t ip: %s\n", gen, id, ip) // print the memory space res += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", r2cmd(r2p, "pxa 0x400 @ 0")) // res += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", r2cmd(r2p, fmt.Sprintf("pd 0x10 @ %d", config.Bots[id].Addr))) // res += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", r2cmd(r2p, "prc 0x200 @ 0")) return res } // runGame actually runs the game (surprise!) func runGame(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, config *Config) { // start the competition var botid int = 0 var round int = 0 for true { // load the registers r2cmd(r2p, config.Bots[botid].Regs) // Step stepIn(r2p) // store the regisers registers := r2cmd(r2p, "aerR") registersStripped := strings.Replace(registers, "\n", ";", -1) config.Bots[botid].Regs = registersStripped logrus.Info(arena(r2p, config, botid, round)) if dead(r2p, botid) == true { logrus.Warnf("DEAD (round %d)", round) os.Exit(1) } // switch players, if the new botid is 0, a new round has begun botid = switchPlayer(r2p, botid, config) if botid == 0 { round++ } // sleep only a partial of the total round time, as a round is made up of // the movements of multiple bots time.Sleep(config.GameRoundDuration / time.Duration(config.AmountOfBots)) } } func dead(r2p *r2pipe.Pipe, botid int) bool { status := r2cmd(r2p, "?v 1+theend") if status != "" && status != "0x1" { logrus.Warnf("[!] Bot %d has died", botid) return true } return false } func main() { fmt.Println("hi") config := parseConfig() defineBots(&config) buildBots(&config) genRandomOffsets(&config) // initialize the arena (allocate memory + initialize the ESIL VM & stack) r2p := initArena(&config) // place the bots in the arena placeBots(r2p, &config) // if an error occurs (interrupt, ioerror, trap, ...), the ESIL VM should set // a flag that can be used to determine if a player has died defineErrors(r2p) // run the actual game runGame(r2p, &config) r2p.Close() }