# circus-scoreboard Scoreboard displaying the rankings of all companions in the swarm ## Function This container displays a scoreboard ranking the individual companion containers. The container should simply get a list of all running containers using the docker socket (this is just an idea) and access a stats endpoint. The stats endpoint optimally exposes the name of the user the companion container belongs to and the amount of points the user has. ## Setup First of all, make sure all the companion containers are part of the circus network. If you haven't defined a circus network, you can do so by running `docker network create circus` and running the companion containers using the `--net circus` flag. Running the scoreboard is done by first building the docker image: ``` $ docker build . -t circus-scoreboard ... Successfully tagged circus-scoreboard:latest ``` ... and then running the image: ``` docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --net circus circus-scoreboard:latest ``` There are a few things to take note of: - The docker socket is mounted to enable the container to find the companion containers. - The container is inside of the circus network as are the companion containers. This makes it possible to communicate inbetween the containers.