package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "time" "" ) var ( // store a copy of the tree locally treeArray []*structs.Node starsProcessed int theta = 0.1 ) // calcNewPos calculates the new position of the star it receives via a POST request // TODO: Implement it func calcNewPos(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // get the post parameters x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.PostFormValue("x"), 64) y, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.PostFormValue("y"), 64) vx, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.PostFormValue("vx"), 64) vy, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.PostFormValue("vy"), 64) m, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.PostFormValue("m"), 64) log.Println("Simulator container calcNewPos got these values: ") log.Printf("(x: %f, y: %f, vx: %f, vy: %f, m: %f)\n", x, y, vx, vy, m) } // isCached returns true if the tree with the given treeindex is cached and false if not func isCached(treeindex int64) bool { log.Printf("[isCached] Testing if %d is in the local cache\n", treeindex+1) log.Printf("[isCached] TreeArray length: %d\n", len(treeArray)) // if the specified tree does not have any children and does not contain a star in the root node if int(treeindex+1) <= len(treeArray) { log.Println("[isCached] Yes it is!") return true } else { log.Println("[isCached] Doesn't seem so") return false } } func cache(treeindex int64) { log.Println("[ ! ] The tree is not in local cache, requesting it from the database") // make a http-post request to the databse requesting the tree requesturl := fmt.Sprintf("http://db/dumptree/%d", treeindex) log.Println("[ ] Requesting the tree from the database") resp, err := http.Get(requesturl) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println("[ ] No error occurred!") defer resp.Body.Close() body, readerr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if readerr != nil { panic(readerr) } log.Println("[ ] Unmarshaling the tree and storing it the treeArray") tree := &structs.Node{} jsonUnmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal(body, tree) if jsonUnmarshalErr != nil { panic(jsonUnmarshalErr) } log.Println("[ ] No error occurred!") treeArray = append(treeArray, tree) } // pushMetrics pushes the metrics to the given host func pushMetrics(host string) { // start an infinite loop for { hostname, _ := os.Hostname() // define a post-request and send it to the given host requestURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s", host) resp, err := http.PostForm(requestURL, url.Values{ "key": {fmt.Sprintf("%s{hostname=\"%s\"}", "starsProcessed", hostname)}, "value": {fmt.Sprintf("%d", starsProcessed)}, }, ) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Cound not make a POST request to %s", requestURL) } log.Printf("[metrics] Updating the metrics on %s", requestURL) log.Printf("[metrics] key=starsProcessed{hostname=\"%s\"}&value=%d", hostname, starsProcessed) defer resp.Body.Close() // sleep for a given amount of time time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) } } // processstars processes stars as long as the sun is shining! func processstars(url string) { // infinitely get stars and calculate the forces acting on them for { log.Println("[ ] Getting a star from the manager") // make a request to the given url and get the stargalaxy resp, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { fmt.Println("PANIC") panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() log.Println("[ ] Done") // read the response containing a list of all stars in json format log.Println("[ ] Reading the content") body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) log.Println("[ ] Done") // if the response body is not a "Bad Gateway", continue. // This problem occurs, when the manager hasn't got enough stars if string(body) != "Bad Gateway" { stargalaxy := &structs.Stargalaxy{} // unmarshal the stargalaxy log.Println("[ ] Unmarshaling the stargalaxy") unmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal(body, stargalaxy) if unmarshalErr != nil { panic(unmarshalErr) } log.Println("[ ] Done") log.Printf("[Star] (%f, %f)", stargalaxy.Star.C.X, stargalaxy.Star.C.Y) // if the galaxy is not cached yet, cache it log.Println("[ ] Testing is the galaxy is cached or not") if isCached(stargalaxy.Index) == false { log.Println("[ ] It is not -> caching") cache(stargalaxy.Index) } log.Println("[ ] Done") log.Println("[ ] Calculating the forces acting") // calculate the forces acting inbetween all the stars in the galaxy star := stargalaxy.Star galaxyindex := stargalaxy.Index calcallforces(star, galaxyindex) log.Println("[ ] Done") // insert the "new" star into the next timestep log.Println("[ ] Calculating the new position") log.Println("[ ] TODO") // increase the starProcessed counter starsProcessed += 1 log.Println("[ ] Waiting 10 seconds...") // time.Sleep(time.Second * 100) log.Println("[ ] Done") } else { // Sleep a second and try again time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) } } } // calcallforces calculates the forces acting on a given star using the given // treeindex to define which other stars are in the galaxy func calcallforces(star structs.Star2D, treeindex int64) { // iterate over the tree using Barnes-Hut to determine if the the force should be calculated or not log.Printf("[ ] Calculating the forces (%v, *): ", star) force := treeArray[treeindex].CalcAllForces(star, theta) log.Println("[ ] Done Calculating the forces!") log.Printf("[FORCE] Force acting on star: %v \t -> %v", star, force) } func main() { // start a go method pushing the metrics to the manager log.Println("[ ] Starting the metric-pusher") go pushMetrics("http://manager/metrics") processstars("http://manager/providestars/0") }