3D3D models7 weeks
barnes-hutA one pager compressing the JuFo19 project5 years
ctf_clustersvisualizing CTF clusters at DEFCON CTF Finals 202215 months
ctfdgetSimply fetch all challenges from a CTF from CTFd.4 years
lambdahacktm ctf 2023 / misc / know your lambda calculus19 months
freitagsfooA service to submit talks for freitagsfoo23 months
inventoryA common-lisp mapping and inventory system5 months
mapA map of the chaosdorf hackspace4 years
companionThe companion spawned for one user.5 years
composeThe docker-compose foo5 years
container-managerThe meta container managemer5 years
landingpageThe landing page5 years
managerThe manager5 years
registerThe registration5 years
scoreboardThe scoreboard5 years
staticSome static files5 years
vpnThe VPN stuff5 years
Substitution-CrackerSome code for cracking substitution ciphers5 years
firmwareGathering firmware via nix11 months
giffA party service: give it gifs and it'll play them5 years
pixeltsunamiThe obligatory pixelflut client5 years
stdin-to-tcpBending stdin to tcp5 years
0h-gamejam-gameCreated a game in 0 hours23 months
failaThe caddy fileserver look, but int pure golang23 months
faila2faila, but simpler4 years
gofuzzwfuzz, but in go. Didn't know ffuf at the time5 years
graphClickerA metrics bundler, but with a simple web interface5 years
randomHttpA simple HTTP server returning random HTTP codes5 years
redirA webserver with the soul purpose of redirecting.4 years
reqlogA simple request logger4 years
ftp-grab-passwordGrab ftp creds (made by twink0r)6 years
honeypot-monitoringGrafana + Prometheus monitoring5 years
http-grab-basicauthGrab basicauth creds (made by maride)6 years
http-grab-urlGrab urls (made by twink0r)6 years
log-analyzerAnalyse the logs6 years
ssh-catch-testA simple honeypot emulating an ssh server.5 years
ssh-grab-keypassGrab keys from ssh logins (made by maride)6 years
ssh-grab-passwordsGrab passwords from ssh logins (made by maride)6 years
ssh-grab-passwords-mapA nice visual map of the login attempts5 years
hefeYet another monorepo (the big nix config)2 days
massscan-dockerA Dockerfile for massscan5 years
metrics-bundlerA super basic metrics bundler5 years
vokobeA custom static site generator written in rust12 months
Jugend Forscht 2017
SatelliteComputationEstimating possible Satellite collisions6 years
Jugend Forscht 2018
GalaxyGenerationGenerating Galaxies6 years
Jugend Forscht 2019
NFW-containerA container purely for generating galaxies6 years
SourceCode from the beginning23 months
WriteupWriteups using LaTeX6 years
brute-forceA simple benchmark showing how slow this can be5 years
db-actionsActions to be performed on the batabase5 years
db-containerThe main database6 years
db-controllerInteraction with the Database5 years
distributorDistributing tasks5 years
frontpageWeb page showing people what the project is about23 months
generatePointcloudGenerate pointclouds using the NFW profile5 years
generator-containerGenerates point clouds using the NFW profile6 years
manager-containerThe overall manager6 years
presPresentation material6 years
quadtreeSimple quadtree implementation5 years
simulator-containerSimulating the new position of a galaxye5 years
simulator-container-rewriteClean rewrite of the simulator-container5 years
structsAll of the structures used in the GalaxySimulator6 years
viewerA viewer for galaxies stored in trees6 years
zmk-configferris sweep zmk config19 months
matrix-sdkA simpler matrix sdk23 months
matrix-weather-botA basic weather bot using matrix-sdk23 months
r2warsA golang implementation of radare213 months
r2wars-rsA rust implementation of radare214 months
r2wars-webThe software behind https://r2wa.rs3 weeks
radare2-GoReSymA script to load goresym symbols into radare25 months
tlegolang tle lib5 years
tle2jsongolang tle to json5 years