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path: root/main/main2.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/main2.py')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/main2.py b/main/main2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20a6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/main2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# import modules
+import bpy
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import urllib
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from timeit import default_timer as timer
+class TLE:
+    def get(value, category, satNr):
+        with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data:
+            content = data.readlines()
+            if value == "name":
+                return content[(satNr)*3][0:15]
+            elif value == "LineNumber":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][0:1]
+            elif value == "Classification":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][7:8]
+            elif value == "LaunchYear":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][9:11]
+            elif value == "LaunchNumber":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][11:14]
+            elif value == "LaunchPiece":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][14:17]
+            elif value == "EpochYear":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][18:20]
+            elif value == "EpochDayFraction":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][20:32]
+            elif value == "EpochDay":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][20:23]
+            elif value == "EpochTime":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][24:32]
+            elif value == "FirstTimeDerivative":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][33:43]
+            elif value == "SecondTimeDerivative":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][44:52]
+            elif value == "BSTARDragTerm":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][53:61]
+            elif value == "Num0":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][62:63]
+            elif value == "ElementSetNumber":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][64:68]
+            elif value == "Checksum1":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+1][68:69]
+            elif value == "LineNumber2":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][0:1]
+            elif value == "Number2":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][2:7]
+            elif value == "Inclination":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][8:16]
+            elif value == "RAAN":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][17:25]
+            elif value == "Eccentricity":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][26:33]
+            elif value == "ArgumentOfPerigee":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][34:42]
+            elif value == "MeanAnomaly":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][43:51]
+            elif value == "MeanMotion":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][52:63]
+            elif value == "Revloution":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][63:68]
+            elif value == "Checksum2":
+                return content[((satNr)*3)+2][68:69]
+    # downlaod specific categeory
+    def download(category):
+        webx_loc = 'http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/' + category + '.txt'
+        disk_loc = 'TLE/' + category + '.txt'
+        urllib.request.urlretrieve(webx_loc, disk_loc)
+    # get number of satellites in specific ategory
+    def numOfSat(category):
+        with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data:
+            content = data.readlines()
+            return int(len(content) / 3)
+    # print specified category
+    def printTLE(category, satNr):
+        with open('TLE/' + category + '.txt') as data:
+            content = data.readlines()
+            print(content[((satNr)*3)+1], end="")
+            print(content[((satNr)*3)+2], end="")
+start = timer()
+# controll values
+category = "iridium-33-debris"
+globalScale = 1
+satSize = 0.5
+orbitSubDivs = 256
+resolution = 1000        # get position of sat each x frames
+threshold = 0.001
+# if internet connection available:
+# define
+sce = bpy.context.scene
+n = TLE.numOfSat(category)
+numOfSat = TLE.numOfSat(category)
+rotate = bpy.ops.transform.rotate
+# static
+earthRadius = 6371
+daylengthsec = 86400
+# create list
+xyz = list( [[], [], []] for _ in range(0, numOfSat) )
+# select all -> delete
+# cycle through every satellite in one category
+for i in range(0, numOfSat):
+    # define
+    satNr = i
+    name = TLE.get("name", category, satNr).rstrip("\n")
+    # get inclination and convert
+    inc_deg = float(TLE.get("Inclination", category, satNr))
+    inc_rad = inc_deg / 180 * math.pi
+    # get RAAN and convert
+    RAAN_deg = float(TLE.get("RAAN", category, satNr))
+    RAAN_rad = RAAN_deg * math.pi / 180
+    # get AoP and convert
+    AoP_deg = float(TLE.get("ArgumentOfPerigee", category, satNr))
+    AoP_rad = AoP_deg * math.pi / 180
+    # get Mean Motion
+    n0 = float(TLE.get("MeanMotion", category, satNr))
+    # define duration (time for one rotation around earth)
+    duration = int(daylengthsec / n0)
+    # calculate apogee / perigee
+    semimajoraxis = ((6.6228 / pow(n0, 2/3)) * earthRadius)
+    orbitheight = semimajoraxis - earthRadius
+    # calculate Eccentricity and convert ("decimal point assumed")
+    e0_a = str(TLE.get("Eccentricity", category, satNr))
+    e0 = float("0." + e0_a)
+    # define apogee and perigee
+    apogee = abs(semimajoraxis * (1 + e0) - earthRadius)
+    perigee = abs(semimajoraxis * (1 - e0) - earthRadius)
+    # print values to user
+    print("")
+    print("{:<10}{:<80}".format("name:", name))
+    print("{:<4}/{:<4}".format(i, numOfSat))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "", "|", "deg", "|", "rad"))
+    print("{:+<1}{:-<5}{:+<1}{:-<40}{:+<1}{:-<40}".format("+", "-", "+", "-", "+", "-"))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "inc", "|", str(inc_deg), "|", str(inc_rad)))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "RAAN", "|", str(RAAN_deg), "|", str(RAAN_rad)))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "AoP", "|", str(AoP_deg), "|", str(AoP_rad)))
+    print("{:+<1}{:-<5}{:+<1}{:-<40}{:+<1}{:-<40}".format("+", "-", "+", "-", "+", "-"))
+    print("")
+    print("{:+<1}{:-<5}{:+<1}{:-<40}{:+<1}{:-<40}".format("+", "-", "+", "-", "+", "-"))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "smi", "|", str(semimajoraxis), "|", ""))
+    print("{:+<1}{:-<5}{:+<1}{:-<40}{:+<1}{:-<40}".format("+", "-", "+", "-", "+", "-"))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "Apo", "|", str(apogee), "|", ""))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "Per", "|", str(perigee), "|", ""))
+    print("{:<1}{:<5}{:<1}{:<40}{:<1}{:<40}".format("|", "e0", "|", str(e0), "|", ""))
+    print("{:+<1}{:-<5}{:+<1}{:-<40}{:+<1}{:-<40}".format("+", "-", "+", "-", "+", "-"))
+    TLE.printTLE(category, satNr)
+    print("")
+    # blender
+    # Creating th Satellites in blender
+    # Add orbit
+    # Add Satellite to orbit
+    # Transform orbit
+    # Get Values
+    # define
+    orbitname = name
+    satname = name + "sat"
+    # add orbit, rename orbit
+    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add(radius=1, vertices=orbitSubDivs)
+    bpy.context.object.name = orbitname
+    # add sat, rename sat
+    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=satSize)
+    bpy.context.object.name = satname
+    # define object names
+    orbit = bpy.context.scene.objects[name]
+    sat = bpy.context.scene.objects[name + "sat"]
+    # convert orbit to curve and attach sat
+    sat.select = False
+    orbit.select = True
+    sce.objects.active = orbit
+    bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE')
+    # set orbit duration
+    # bpy.data.curves[name].path_duration = duration
+    # resize orbit
+    orbit.scale[0] = apogee
+    orbit.scale[1] = perigee
+    # move sat to perigee
+    sat.location[1] = perigee
+    # make sat follow orbit
+    sat.select = True
+    sce.objects.active = orbit
+    bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='FOLLOW')
+    # set duration for 1 revolution
+    bpy.data.curves[orbitname].path_duration = duration
+    # rotate orbit
+    orbit.select = True
+    rotate(value=RAAN_rad, axis=(0, 0, 1))
+    rotate(value=inc_rad, axis=(1, 0, 0))
+    rotate(value=AoP_rad, axis=(0, 0, 1))
+    # Getting the position of a satellite:
+    # 1. jump to specific frame
+    # 2. clear parent (keep transform)
+    # 3. get position value and append it to a list
+    # 4. reset parent
+    for t in range(0, duration, resolution):
+        # jump to frame
+        sce.frame_set(t)
+        # clear parent
+        bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM')
+        # append sat location to list xyz
+        xyz[satNr][0].append(sat.location[0])
+        xyz[satNr][1].append(sat.location[1])
+        xyz[satNr][2].append(sat.location[2])
+        # reset parent
+        bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="FOLLOW")
+# plot x, y and z values ove every satellite for every moment
+for i in range(0, numOfSat, 1):
+    plt.plot(xyz[i][0], '-ro')
+    plt.plot(xyz[i][1], '-go')
+    plt.plot(xyz[i][2], '-bo')
+# Collision Detect
+# https://hanemile.github.io/docs/master.pdf
+# p. 8 - 11
+# create an array filled with 0
+# array[t, y, x]
+# dure = int(duration/resolution)
+# # dure = 5
+# array = np.zeros((int(dure), numOfSat + 3, numOfSat + 3))
+# satNr = 1
+# print("{:<10}{:<10}".format("duration", dure))
+# # for every moment in time
+# for time in range(0, dure, 1):
+#     x = 0
+#     y = 0
+#     for sat in range(0, numOfSat, 1):
+#         array[time, y+0, sat+3] = xyz[sat][0][time]
+#         array[time, y+1, sat+3] = xyz[sat][1][time]
+#         array[time, y+2, sat+3] = xyz[sat][2][time]
+#     for sat in range(0, numOfSat, 1):
+#         array[time, sat+3, y+0] = xyz[sat][0][time]
+#         array[time, sat+3, y+1] = xyz[sat][1][time]
+#         array[time, sat+3, y+2] = xyz[sat][2][time]
+#     # loop through array
+#     for y in range(3, (numOfSat + 3), 1):
+#         for x in range(3, (numOfSat + 3), 1):
+#             if x != y:
+#                 a_x = array[time, 0, x]
+#                 a_y = array[time, 1, x]
+#                 a_z = array[time, 2, x]
+#                 b_x = array[time, y, 0]
+#                 b_y = array[time, y, 1]
+#                 b_z = array[time, y, 2]
+#                 a = pow((abs(a_x)-abs(b_x)), 2)
+#                 b = pow((abs(a_y)-abs(b_y)), 2)
+#                 c = pow((abs(a_z)-abs(b_z)), 2)
+#                 d = math.sqrt(a + b + c)
+#                 array[time, y, x] = d
+#                 # print Warning
+#                 if d < threshold:
+#                     xname = TLE.get("name", category, x-3)
+#                     yname = TLE.get("name", category, y-3)
+#                     a_x = array[time, 0, x]
+#                     a_y = array[time, 1, x]
+#                     a_z = array[time, 2, x]
+#                     b_x = array[time, y, 0]
+#                     b_y = array[time, y, 1]
+#                     b_z = array[time, y, 2]
+#                     print("")
+#                     print("BUM !!!")
+#                     print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<10}{:<20}".format("sat A", "sat B", "time", "distance"))
+#                     print("")
+#                     print("{:<20}{:<20}{:<10}{:<20}".format(xname, yname, time, d))
+#                     print("{:<30}{:<30}{:<30}".format(a_x, a_y, a_z))
+#                     print("{:<30}{:<30}{:<30}".format(b_x, b_y, b_z))
+# print horizontal "line"
+# print array
+end = timer()
+print("{:<10}{:<10}".format("Total duration (sek.): ", end - start))