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path: root/db_actions/db_actions.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'db_actions/db_actions.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 883 deletions
diff --git a/db_actions/db_actions.go b/db_actions/db_actions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 561ce56..0000000
--- a/db_actions/db_actions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-// db_actions defines actions on the database
-// Copyright (C) 2019 Emile Hansmaennel
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package db_actions
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"encoding/csv"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.darknebu.la/GalaxySimulator/structs"
-	_ "github.com/lib/pq"
-	"io"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"log"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-const (
-	DBUSER    = "postgres"
-	DBNAME    = "postgres"
-	DBSSLMODE = "disable"
-var (
-	db *sql.DB
-// connectToDB returns a pointer to an sql database writing to the database
-func ConnectToDB() *sql.DB {
-	connStr := fmt.Sprintf("user=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s", DBUSER, DBNAME, DBSSLMODE)
-	db := dbConnect(connStr)
-	return db
-// dbConnect connects to a PostgreSQL database
-func dbConnect(connStr string) *sql.DB {
-	// connect to the database
-	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] connection: %v", err)
-	}
-	return db
-// newTree creates a new tree with the given width
-func NewTree(database *sql.DB, width float64) {
-	db = database
-	// get the current max root id
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COALESCE(max(root_id), 0) FROM nodes")
-	var currentMaxRootID int64
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&currentMaxRootID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] max root id query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	// build the query creating a new node
-	query = fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO nodes (box_width, root_id, box_center, depth, isleaf) VALUES (%f, %d, '{0, 0}', 0, TRUE)", width, currentMaxRootID+1)
-	// execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] insert new node query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// insertStar inserts the given star into the stars table and the nodes table tree
-func InsertStar(database *sql.DB, star structs.Star2D, index int64) {
-	db = database
-	start := time.Now()
-	// insert the star into the stars table
-	starID := insertIntoStars(star)
-	// get the root node id
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT node_id FROM nodes WHERE root_id=%d", index)
-	var id int64
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&id)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] Get root node id query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	// insert the star into the tree (using it's ID) starting at the root
-	insertIntoTree(starID, id)
-	elapsedTime := time.Since(start)
-	log.Printf("\t\t\t\t\t %s", elapsedTime)
-// insertIntoStars inserts the given star into the stars table
-func insertIntoStars(star structs.Star2D) int64 {
-	// unpack the star
-	x := star.C.X
-	y := star.C.Y
-	vx := star.V.X
-	vy := star.V.Y
-	m := star.M
-	// build the request query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO stars (x, y, vx, vy, m) VALUES (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f) RETURNING star_id", x, y, vx, vy, m)
-	// execute the query
-	var starID int64
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&starID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] insert query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return starID
-// insert into tree inserts the given star into the tree starting at the node with the given node id
-func insertIntoTree(starID int64, nodeID int64) {
-	//starRaw := getStar(starID)
-	//nodeCenter := getBoxCenter(nodeID)
-	//nodeWidth := getBoxWidth(nodeID)
-	//log.Printf("[   ] \t Inserting star %v into the node (c: %v, w: %v)", starRaw, nodeCenter, nodeWidth)
-	// There exist four cases:
-	//                    | Contains a Star | Does not Contain a Star |
-	// ------------------ + --------------- + ----------------------- +
-	// Node is a Leaf     | Impossible      | insert into node        |
-	//                    |                 | subdivide               |
-	// ------------------ + --------------- + ----------------------- +
-	// Node is not a Leaf | insert preexist | insert into the subtree |
-	//                    | insert new      |                         |
-	// ------------------ + --------------- + ----------------------- +
-	// get the node with the given nodeID
-	// find out if the node contains a star or not
-	containsStar := containsStar(nodeID)
-	// find out if the node is a leaf
-	isLeaf := isLeaf(nodeID)
-	// if the node is a leaf and contains a star
-	// subdivide the tree
-	// insert the preexisting star into the correct subtree
-	// insert the new star into the subtree
-	if isLeaf == true && containsStar == true {
-		//log.Printf("Case 1, \t %v \t %v", nodeWidth, nodeCenter)
-		subdivide(nodeID)
-		//tree := printTree(nodeID)
-		// Stage 1: Inserting the blocking star
-		blockingStarID := getStarID(nodeID)                               // get the id of the star blocking the node
-		blockingStar := getStar(blockingStarID)                           // get the actual star
-		blockingStarQuadrant := quadrant(blockingStar, nodeID)            // find out in which quadrant it belongs
-		quadrantNodeID := getQuadrantNodeID(nodeID, blockingStarQuadrant) // get the nodeID of that quadrant
-		insertIntoTree(blockingStarID, quadrantNodeID)                    // insert the star into that node
-		removeStarFromNode(nodeID)                                        // remove the blocking star from the node it was blocking
-		// Stage 1: Inserting the actual star
-		star := getStar(starID)                                  // get the actual star
-		starQuadrant := quadrant(star, nodeID)                   // find out in which quadrant it belongs
-		quadrantNodeID = getQuadrantNodeID(nodeID, starQuadrant) // get the nodeID of that quadrant
-		insertIntoTree(starID, nodeID)
-	}
-	// if the node is a leaf and does not contain a star
-	// insert the star into the node and subdivide it
-	if isLeaf == true && containsStar == false {
-		//log.Printf("Case 2, \t %v \t %v", nodeWidth, nodeCenter)
-		directInsert(starID, nodeID)
-	}
-	// if the node is not a leaf and contains a star
-	// insert the preexisting star into the correct subtree
-	// insert the new star into the subtree
-	if isLeaf == false && containsStar == true {
-		//log.Printf("Case 3, \t %v \t %v", nodeWidth, nodeCenter)
-		// Stage 1: Inserting the blocking star
-		blockingStarID := getStarID(nodeID)                               // get the id of the star blocking the node
-		blockingStar := getStar(blockingStarID)                           // get the actual star
-		blockingStarQuadrant := quadrant(blockingStar, nodeID)            // find out in which quadrant it belongs
-		quadrantNodeID := getQuadrantNodeID(nodeID, blockingStarQuadrant) // get the nodeID of that quadrant
-		insertIntoTree(blockingStarID, quadrantNodeID)                    // insert the star into that node
-		removeStarFromNode(nodeID)                                        // remove the blocking star from the node it was blocking
-		// Stage 1: Inserting the actual star
-		star := getStar(blockingStarID)                          // get the actual star
-		starQuadrant := quadrant(star, nodeID)                   // find out in which quadrant it belongs
-		quadrantNodeID = getQuadrantNodeID(nodeID, starQuadrant) // get the nodeID of that quadrant
-		insertIntoTree(starID, nodeID)
-	}
-	// if the node is not a leaf and does not contain a star
-	// insert the new star into the according subtree
-	if isLeaf == false && containsStar == false {
-		//log.Printf("Case 4, \t %v \t %v", nodeWidth, nodeCenter)
-		star := getStar(starID)                                   // get the actual star
-		starQuadrant := quadrant(star, nodeID)                    // find out in which quadrant it belongs
-		quadrantNodeID := getQuadrantNodeID(nodeID, starQuadrant) // get the if of that quadrant
-		insertIntoTree(starID, quadrantNodeID)                    // insert the star into that quadrant
-	}
-// containsStar returns true if the node with the given id contains a star and returns false if not.
-func containsStar(id int64) bool {
-	var starID int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT star_id FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", id)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&starID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] containsStar query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	if starID != 0 {
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
-// isLeaf returns true if the node with the given id is a leaf
-func isLeaf(nodeID int64) bool {
-	var isLeaf bool
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COALESCE(isleaf, FALSE) FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&isLeaf)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] isLeaf query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	if isLeaf == true {
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
-// directInsert inserts the star with the given ID into the given node inside of the given database
-func directInsert(starID int64, nodeID int64) {
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE nodes SET star_id=%d WHERE node_id=%d", starID, nodeID)
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] directInsert query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// subdivide subdivides the given node creating four child nodes
-func subdivide(nodeID int64) {
-	boxWidth := getBoxWidth(nodeID)
-	boxCenter := getBoxCenter(nodeID)
-	originalDepth := getNodeDepth(nodeID)
-	// calculate the new positions
-	newPosX := boxCenter[0] + (boxWidth / 2)
-	newPosY := boxCenter[1] + (boxWidth / 2)
-	newNegX := boxCenter[0] - (boxWidth / 2)
-	newNegY := boxCenter[1] - (boxWidth / 2)
-	newWidth := boxWidth / 2
-	// create new news with those positions
-	newNodeIDA := newNode(newPosX, newPosY, newWidth, originalDepth+1)
-	newNodeIDB := newNode(newPosX, newNegY, newWidth, originalDepth+1)
-	newNodeIDC := newNode(newNegX, newPosY, newWidth, originalDepth+1)
-	newNodeIDD := newNode(newNegX, newNegY, newWidth, originalDepth+1)
-	// Update the subtrees of the parent node
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE nodes SET subnode='{%d, %d, %d, %d}', isleaf=FALSE WHERE node_id=%d", newNodeIDA, newNodeIDB, newNodeIDC, newNodeIDD, nodeID)
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] subdivide query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// getBoxWidth gets the width of the box from the node width the given id
-func getBoxWidth(nodeID int64) float64 {
-	var boxWidth float64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT box_width FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&boxWidth)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getBoxWidth query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return boxWidth
-// getBoxWidth gets the center of the box from the node width the given id
-func getBoxCenter(nodeID int64) []float64 {
-	var boxCenterX, boxCenterY []uint8
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT box_center[1], box_center[2] FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&boxCenterX, &boxCenterY)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getBoxCenter query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	x, parseErr := strconv.ParseFloat(string(boxCenterX), 64)
-	y, parseErr := strconv.ParseFloat(string(boxCenterX), 64)
-	if parseErr != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] parse boxCenter: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] parse boxCenter: (%f, %f)\n", x, y)
-	}
-	boxCenterFloat := []float64{x, y}
-	return boxCenterFloat
-// newNode Inserts a new node into the database with the given parameters
-func newNode(x float64, y float64, width float64, depth int64) int64 {
-	// build the query creating a new node
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO nodes (box_center, box_width, depth, isleaf) VALUES ('{%f, %f}', %f, %d, TRUE) RETURNING node_id", x, y, width, depth)
-	var nodeID int64
-	// execute the query
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&nodeID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] newNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return nodeID
-// getStarID returns the id of the star inside of the node with the given ID
-func getStarID(nodeID int64) int64 {
-	// get the star id from the node
-	var starID int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT star_id FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&starID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getStarID id query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return starID
-// deleteAll Stars deletes all the rows in the stars table
-func DeleteAllStars(database *sql.DB) {
-	db = database
-	// build the query creating a new node
-	query := "DELETE FROM stars WHERE TRUE"
-	// execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] deleteAllStars query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// deleteAll Stars deletes all the rows in the nodes table
-func DeleteAllNodes(database *sql.DB) {
-	db = database
-	// build the query creating a new node
-	query := "DELETE FROM nodes WHERE TRUE"
-	// execute the query
-	_, err := db.Query(query)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] deleteAllStars query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// getNodeDepth returns the depth of the given node in the tree
-func getNodeDepth(nodeID int64) int64 {
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT depth FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	var depth int64
-	// Execute the query
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&depth)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getNodeDepth query: %v \n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return depth
-// quadrant returns the quadrant into which the given star belongs
-func quadrant(star structs.Star2D, nodeID int64) int64 {
-	// get the center of the node the star is in
-	center := getBoxCenter(nodeID)
-	centerX := center[0]
-	centerY := center[1]
-	if star.C.X > centerX {
-		if star.C.Y > centerY {
-			// North East condition
-			return 1
-		}
-		// South East condition
-		return 3
-	}
-	if star.C.Y > centerY {
-		// North West condition
-		return 0
-	}
-	// South West condition
-	return 2
-// getQuadrantNodeID returns the id of the requested child-node
-// Example: if a parent has four children and quadrant 0 is requested, the function returns the north east child id
-func getQuadrantNodeID(parentNodeID int64, quadrant int64) int64 {
-	var a, b, c, d []uint8
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT subnode[1], subnode[2], subnode[3], subnode[4] FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", parentNodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&a, &b, &c, &d)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getQuadrantNodeID star query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	returnA, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(a), 10, 64)
-	returnB, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64)
-	returnC, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(c), 10, 64)
-	returnD, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(d), 10, 64)
-	switch quadrant {
-	case 0:
-		return returnA
-	case 1:
-		return returnB
-	case 2:
-		return returnC
-	case 3:
-		return returnD
-	}
-	return -1
-// getStar returns the star with the given ID from the stars table
-func getStar(starID int64) structs.Star2D {
-	var x, y, vx, vy, m float64
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT x, y, vx, vy, m FROM stars WHERE star_id=%d", starID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&x, &y, &vx, &vy, &m)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getStar query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	star := structs.Star2D{
-		C: structs.Vec2{
-			X: x,
-			Y: y,
-		},
-		V: structs.Vec2{
-			X: vx,
-			Y: vy,
-		},
-		M: m,
-	}
-	return star
-// getStarMass returns the mass if the star with the given ID
-func getStarMass(starID int64) float64 {
-	var mass float64
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT m FROM stars WHERE star_id=%d", starID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&mass)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getStarMass query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return mass
-// getNodeTotalMass returns the total mass of the node with the given ID and its children
-func getNodeTotalMass(nodeID int64) float64 {
-	var mass float64
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT total_mass FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&mass)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getStarMass query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return mass
-// removeStarFromNode removes the star from the node with the given ID
-func removeStarFromNode(nodeID int64) {
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE nodes SET star_id=0 WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] removeStarFromNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-// getListOfStarsGo returns the list of stars in go struct format
-func GetListOfStarsGo(database *sql.DB) []structs.Star2D {
-	db = database
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM stars")
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] removeStarFromNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	var starList []structs.Star2D
-	// iterate over the returned rows
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var starID int64
-		var x, y, vx, vy, m float64
-		scanErr := rows.Scan(&starID, &x, &y, &vx, &vy, &m)
-		if scanErr != nil {
-			log.Fatalf("[ E ] scan error: %v", scanErr)
-		}
-		star := structs.Star2D{
-			C: structs.Vec2{
-				X: x,
-				Y: y,
-			},
-			V: structs.Vec2{
-				X: vx,
-				Y: vy,
-			},
-			M: m,
-		}
-		starList = append(starList, star)
-	}
-	return starList
-// getListOfStarsCsv returns an array of strings containing the coordinates of all the stars in the stars table
-func GetListOfStarsCsv(database *sql.DB) []string {
-	db = database
-	// build the query
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM stars")
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] removeStarFromNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	var starList []string
-	// iterate over the returned rows
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var starID int64
-		var x, y, vx, vy, m float64
-		scanErr := rows.Scan(&starID, &x, &y, &vx, &vy, &m)
-		if scanErr != nil {
-			log.Fatalf("[ E ] scan error: %v", scanErr)
-		}
-		row := fmt.Sprintf("%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", starID, x, y, vx, vy, m)
-		starList = append(starList, row)
-	}
-	return starList
-// insertList inserts all the stars in the given .csv into the stars and nodes table
-func InsertList(database *sql.DB, filename string) {
-	db = database
-	// open the file
-	content, readErr := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
-	if readErr != nil {
-		panic(readErr)
-	}
-	in := string(content)
-	reader := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(in))
-	// insert all the stars into the db
-	for {
-		record, err := reader.Read()
-		if err == io.EOF {
-			log.Println("EOF")
-			break
-		}
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Println("insertListErr")
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(record[0], 64)
-		y, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(record[1], 64)
-		star := structs.Star2D{
-			C: structs.Vec2{
-				X: x / 100000,
-				Y: y / 100000,
-			},
-			V: structs.Vec2{
-				X: 0,
-				Y: 0,
-			},
-			M: 1000,
-		}
-		fmt.Printf("Inserting (%f, %f)\n", star.C.X, star.C.Y)
-		InsertStar(db, star, 1)
-	}
-// getRootNodeID gets a tree index and returns the nodeID of its root node
-func getRootNodeID(index int64) int64 {
-	var nodeID int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT node_id FROM nodes WHERE root_id=%d", index)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&nodeID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getRootNodeID query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return nodeID
-// updateTotalMass gets a tree index and returns the nodeID of the trees root node
-func UpdateTotalMass(database *sql.DB, index int64) {
-	db = database
-	rootNodeID := getRootNodeID(index)
-	log.Printf("RootID: %d", rootNodeID)
-	updateTotalMassNode(rootNodeID)
-// updateTotalMassNode updates the total mass of the given node
-func updateTotalMassNode(nodeID int64) float64 {
-	var totalmass float64
-	// get the subnode ids
-	var subnode [4]int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT subnode[1], subnode[2], subnode[3], subnode[4] FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&subnode[0], &subnode[1], &subnode[2], &subnode[3])
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] updateTotalMassNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	// iterate over all subnodes updating their total masses
-	for _, subnodeID := range subnode {
-		fmt.Println("----------------------------")
-		fmt.Printf("SubdnodeID: %d\n", subnodeID)
-		if subnodeID != 0 {
-			totalmass += updateTotalMassNode(subnodeID)
-		} else {
-			// get the starID for getting the star mass
-			starID := getStarID(nodeID)
-			fmt.Printf("StarID: %d\n", starID)
-			if starID != 0 {
-				mass := getStarMass(starID)
-				log.Printf("starID=%d \t mass: %f", starID, mass)
-				totalmass += mass
-			}
-			// break, this stops a star from being counted multiple (4) times
-			break
-		}
-		fmt.Println("----------------------------")
-	}
-	query = fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE nodes SET total_mass=%f WHERE node_id=%d", totalmass, nodeID)
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] insert total_mass query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	fmt.Printf("nodeID: %d \t totalMass: %f\n", nodeID, totalmass)
-	return totalmass
-// updateCenterOfMass recursively updates the center of mass of all the nodes starting at the node with the given
-// root index
-func UpdateCenterOfMass(database *sql.DB, index int64) {
-	db = database
-	rootNodeID := getRootNodeID(index)
-	log.Printf("RootID: %d", rootNodeID)
-	updateCenterOfMassNode(rootNodeID)
-// updateCenterOfMassNode updates the center of mass of the node with the given nodeID recursively
-// center of mass := ((x_1 * m) + (x_2 * m) + ... + (x_n * m)) / m
-func updateCenterOfMassNode(nodeID int64) structs.Vec2 {
-	fmt.Println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
-	var centerOfMass structs.Vec2
-	// get the subnode ids
-	var subnode [4]int64
-	var starID int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT subnode[1], subnode[2], subnode[3], subnode[4], star_id FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&subnode[0], &subnode[1], &subnode[2], &subnode[3], &starID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] updateCenterOfMassNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	// if the nodes does not contain a star but has children, update the center of mass
-	if subnode != ([4]int64{0, 0, 0, 0}) {
-		log.Println("[   ] recursing deeper")
-		// define variables storing the values of the subnodes
-		var totalMass float64
-		var centerOfMassX float64
-		var centerOfMassY float64
-		// iterate over all the subnodes and calculate the center of mass of each node
-		for _, subnodeID := range subnode {
-			subnodeCenterOfMass := updateCenterOfMassNode(subnodeID)
-			if subnodeCenterOfMass.X != 0 && subnodeCenterOfMass.Y != 0 {
-				fmt.Printf("SubnodeCenterOfMass: (%f, %f)\n", subnodeCenterOfMass.X, subnodeCenterOfMass.Y)
-				subnodeMass := getNodeTotalMass(subnodeID)
-				totalMass += subnodeMass
-				centerOfMassX += subnodeCenterOfMass.X * subnodeMass
-				centerOfMassY += subnodeCenterOfMass.Y * subnodeMass
-			}
-		}
-		// calculate the overall center of mass of the subtree
-		centerOfMass = structs.Vec2{
-			X: centerOfMassX / totalMass,
-			Y: centerOfMassY / totalMass,
-		}
-		// else, use the star as the center of mass (this can be done, because of the rule defining that there
-		// can only be one star in a cell)
-	} else {
-		log.Println("[   ] using the star in the node as the center of mass")
-		log.Printf("[   ] NodeID: %v", nodeID)
-		starID := getStarID(nodeID)
-		if starID == 0 {
-			log.Println("[   ] StarID == 0...")
-			centerOfMass = structs.Vec2{
-				X: 0,
-				Y: 0,
-			}
-		} else {
-			log.Printf("[   ] NodeID: %v", starID)
-			star := getStar(starID)
-			centerOfMassX := star.C.X
-			centerOfMassY := star.C.Y
-			centerOfMass = structs.Vec2{
-				X: centerOfMassX,
-				Y: centerOfMassY,
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// build the query
-	query = fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE nodes SET center_of_mass='{%f, %f}' WHERE node_id=%d", centerOfMass.X, centerOfMass.Y, nodeID)
-	// Execute the query
-	rows, err := db.Query(query)
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] update center of mass query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	fmt.Printf("[   ] CenterOfMass: (%f, %f)\n", centerOfMass.X, centerOfMass.Y)
-	return centerOfMass
-// genForestTree generates a forest representation of the tree with the given index
-func GenForestTree(database *sql.DB, index int64) string {
-	db = database
-	rootNodeID := getRootNodeID(index)
-	return genForestTreeNode(rootNodeID)
-// genForestTreeNodes returns a sub-representation of a given node in forest format
-func genForestTreeNode(nodeID int64) string {
-	var returnString string
-	// get the subnode ids
-	var subnode [4]int64
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT subnode[1], subnode[2], subnode[3], subnode[4] FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&subnode[0], &subnode[1], &subnode[2], &subnode[3])
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] updateTotalMassNode query: %v\n\t\t\t query: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	returnString += "["
-	// iterate over all subnodes updating their total masses
-	for _, subnodeID := range subnode {
-		if subnodeID != 0 {
-			centerOfMass := getCenterOfMass(nodeID)
-			mass := getNodeTotalMass(nodeID)
-			returnString += fmt.Sprintf("%.0f %.0f %.0f", centerOfMass.X, centerOfMass.Y, mass)
-			returnString += genForestTreeNode(subnodeID)
-		} else {
-			if getStarID(nodeID) != 0 {
-				coords := getStarCoordinates(nodeID)
-				starID := getStarID(nodeID)
-				mass := getStarMass(starID)
-				returnString += fmt.Sprintf("[%.0f %.0f %.0f]", coords.X, coords.Y, mass)
-			} else {
-				returnString += fmt.Sprintf("[0 0]")
-			}
-			// break, this stops a star from being counted multiple (4) times
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	returnString += "]"
-	return returnString
-// getCenterOfMass returns the center of mass of the given nodeID
-func getCenterOfMass(nodeID int64) structs.Vec2 {
-	var CenterOfMass [2]float64
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT center_of_mass[1], center_of_mass[2] FROM nodes WHERE node_id=%d", nodeID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&CenterOfMass[0], &CenterOfMass[1])
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getCenterOfMass query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	return structs.Vec2{X: CenterOfMass[0], Y: CenterOfMass[1]}
-// getStarCoordinates gets the star coordinates of a star using a given nodeID. It returns a vector describing the
-// coordinates
-func getStarCoordinates(nodeID int64) structs.Vec2 {
-	var Coordinates [2]float64
-	starID := getStarID(nodeID)
-	// get the star from the stars table
-	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT x, y FROM stars WHERE star_id=%d", starID)
-	err := db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&Coordinates[0], &Coordinates[1])
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("[ E ] getStarCoordinates query: %v \n\t\t\tquery: %s\n", err, query)
-	}
-	fmt.Printf("%v\n", Coordinates)
-	return structs.Vec2{X: Coordinates[0], Y: Coordinates[1]}