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1 files changed, 155 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/quadtree.go b/quadtree.go
index ffb871e..a0a29ec 100644
--- a/quadtree.go
+++ b/quadtree.go
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 package structs
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os/exec"
 type Node struct {
-	Bounadry     BoundingBox // Spatial outreach of the quadtree
+	Boundry      BoundingBox // Spatial outreach of the quadtree
 	CenterOfMass Vec2        // Center of mass of the cell
 	TotalMass    float64     // Total mass of all the stars in the cell
 	Depth        int         // Depth of the cell in the tree
@@ -11,3 +17,151 @@ type Node struct {
 	// NW, NE, SW, SE
 	Subtrees [4]*Node // The child subtrees
+// NewRoot returns a pointer to a node defined as a root node. It taks the with of the BoundingBox as an argument
+// resulting in a node that should (in theory) fit the whole galaxy if defined correctly.
+func NewRoot(BoundingBoxWidth float64) *Node {
+	return &Node{
+		Boundry: BoundingBox{
+			Center: Vec2{0, 0},
+			Width:  BoundingBoxWidth,
+		},
+		CenterOfMass: Vec2{},
+		TotalMass:    0,
+		Depth:        0,
+		Star:         Star2D{},
+		Subtrees:     [4]*Node{},
+	}
+// Create a new new node using the given bounding box
+func NewNode(bounadry BoundingBox) *Node {
+	return &Node{Boundry: bounadry}
+// Subdivide the tree
+func (n *Node) subdivide() {
+	// define new values defining the new BoundaryBoxes
+	newBoundaryWidth := n.Boundry.Width / 2
+	newBoundaryPosX := n.Boundry.Center.X + (newBoundaryWidth / 2)
+	newBoundaryPosY := n.Boundry.Center.Y + (newBoundaryWidth / 2)
+	newBoundaryNegX := n.Boundry.Center.X - (newBoundaryWidth / 2)
+	newBoundaryNegY := n.Boundry.Center.Y - (newBoundaryWidth / 2)
+	// define the new Subtrees
+	n.Subtrees[0] = NewNode(BoundingBox{Vec2{newBoundaryNegX, newBoundaryPosY}, newBoundaryWidth})
+	n.Subtrees[1] = NewNode(BoundingBox{Vec2{newBoundaryPosX, newBoundaryPosY}, newBoundaryWidth})
+	n.Subtrees[2] = NewNode(BoundingBox{Vec2{newBoundaryNegX, newBoundaryNegY}, newBoundaryWidth})
+	n.Subtrees[3] = NewNode(BoundingBox{Vec2{newBoundaryPosX, newBoundaryNegY}, newBoundaryWidth})
+// Insert inserts the given star into the Node or the tree it is called on
+func (n *Node) Insert(star Star2D) {
+	// prevent the function to recurse to deep into the tree
+	if n.Boundry.Width < 0.1 {
+		return
+	}
+	// if the subtree does not contain a node, insert the star
+	if n.Star == (Star2D{}) {
+		// if a subtree is present, insert the star into that subtree
+		if n.Subtrees != [4]*Node{} {
+			QuadrantBlocking := star.getRelativePositionInt(n.Boundry)
+			n.Subtrees[QuadrantBlocking].Insert(star)
+			// directly insert the star into the node
+		} else {
+			n.Star = star
+		}
+		// Move the star blocking the slot into it's subtree using a recursive call on this function
+		// and add the star to the slot
+	} else {
+		// if the node does not all ready have child nodes, subdivide it
+		if n.Subtrees == ([4]*Node{}) {
+			n.subdivide()
+		}
+		// Insert the blocking star into it's subtree
+		QuadrantBlocking := n.Star.getRelativePositionInt(n.Boundry)
+		n.Subtrees[QuadrantBlocking].Insert(n.Star)
+		n.Star = Star2D{}
+		// Insert the blocking star into it's subtree
+		QuadrantBlockingNew := star.getRelativePositionInt(n.Boundry)
+		n.Subtrees[QuadrantBlockingNew].Insert(star)
+		star = Star2D{}
+	}
+// GenForestTree draws the subtree it is called on. If there is a star inside of the root node, the node is drawn
+// The method returns a string depicting the tree in latex forest structure
+func (n Node) GenForestTree(node *Node) string {
+	returnstring := "["
+	// if there is a star in the node, add the stars coordinates to the return string
+	if n.Star != (Star2D{}) {
+		returnstring += fmt.Sprintf("%.0f %.0f", n.Star.C.X, n.Star.C.Y)
+	}
+	// iterate over all the subtrees and call the GenForestTree method on the subtrees containing children
+	for i := 0; i < len(n.Subtrees); i++ {
+		if n.Subtrees[i] != nil {
+			returnstring += n.Subtrees[i].GenForestTree(n.Subtrees[i])
+		} else {
+			returnstring += "[]"
+		}
+	}
+	// Post-tree brace
+	returnstring += "]"
+	return returnstring
+// DrawTreeLaTeX writes the tree it is called on to a texfile defined by the outpath parameter and
+// calls lualatex to build the tex-file
+func (n Node) DrawTreeLaTeX(outpath string) {
+	// define all the stuff in front of the tree
+	preamble := `\documentclass{article}
+\begin{adjustbox}{max size={\textwidth}{\textheight}}
+for tree={,draw, s sep+=0.25em}
+	// define all the stuff after the tree
+	poststring := `
+	// combine all the strings
+	data := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", preamble, n.GenForestTree(&n), poststring))
+	// write them to a file
+	writeerr := ioutil.WriteFile(outpath, data, 0644)
+	if writeerr != nil {
+		panic(writeerr)
+	}
+	// build the pdf
+	cmd := exec.Command("lualatex", outpath)
+	runerr := cmd.Run()
+	if runerr != nil {
+		panic(runerr)
+	}