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authorhanemile <hanemile@protonmail.com>2019-01-21 22:18:46 +0100
committerhanemile <hanemile@protonmail.com>2019-01-21 22:18:46 +0100
commit29d78e9576d0d0331cf411fd027ab60aaf296b23 (patch)
parent6ae19dcc07980f4daaa337edd624d6f68ae3578b (diff)
updated the list of endpoints
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f62dd1d..7e8b243 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,20 @@ This Repo contains the main "database" running an http-api exposing the quadtree
 ## API-Endpoints
+| Endpoint | Description | POST parameters |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| `"/"` | Index | |
+| `"/new"` | Create a new star | `w` |
+| `"/printall"` | Print all the trees in json| |
+| `"/insert/{treeindex}"` | Insert the given star into the selected tree | `x`, `y`, `vx`, `vy`, `m` |
+| `"/starlist/{treeindex}"` | List all the stars in the selected tree| |
+| `"/dumptree/{treeindex}"` | Dump the json of the selected tree | |
+| `"/updatetotalmass/{treeindex}"` | Update the total mass in the selected tree | |
+| `"/updatecenterofmass/{treeindex}"` | Update the center of mass in the selected tree | |
+| `"/metrics"` | Get the overall metrics | |
+| `"/export/{treeindex}"` | Export the selected tree to `db/{treeindex}.json` | |
+| `"/fastinsert/{filename}"` | Insert the selected file into a new tree | |
 ## Files