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authorEmile <git@emile.space>2024-06-11 23:26:04 +0200
committerEmile <git@emile.space>2024-06-11 23:26:04 +0200
commitdb877b3dc8bd29c2bd18fcc8263713a0f09c2a25 (patch)
parentf39d9e0504c3dcd48816a4c0adf535a911cea0fc (diff)
using the nix modules for hosting pretalx
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/nix/hosts/corrino/www/talks.emile.space.nix b/nix/hosts/corrino/www/talks.emile.space.nix
index b64fb95..ae01237 100644
--- a/nix/hosts/corrino/www/talks.emile.space.nix
+++ b/nix/hosts/corrino/www/talks.emile.space.nix
@@ -1,101 +1,43 @@
 { config, pkgs, ... }:
-# TODO(emile): use the 24.05 nix module
-  ports = import ../ports.nix;
-  pretalx_config = pkgs.writeText "/etc/pretalx.cfg" ''
-    [filesystem]
-    media = /public/media
-    data = /public/data
-    static = /pretalx/src/static.dist
-    [site]
-    ; never run debug in production
-    debug = False
-    url = https://talks.emile.space
-    csp=https://talks.emile.space,http://localhost:8080,'self'
-    [database]
-    backend=sqlite3
-    [mail]
-    from = pretalx@emile.space
-    host = mail.emile.space
-    port = 1025
-    user = mail
-    password=${config.age.secrets.mail_password.path}
-    tls = True
-    ssl = False
-    [celery]
-    backend=redis+socket:///pretalx/redis.sock?virtual_host=1
-    broker=redis+socket:///pretalx/redis.sock?virtual_host=2
-    [redis]
-    location=unix:///pretalx/redis.sock?db=0
-    ; Remove the following line if you are unsure about your redis' security
-    ; to reduce impact if redis gets compromised.
-    sessions=true    
-  ''; 
-in {
-  services.nginx.virtualHosts."talks.emile.space" = {
-    forceSSL = true;
-    enableACME = true;
-    locations = {
-      "/" = {
-        extraConfig = ''
-          proxy_pass${toString ports.talks};
-          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
-          proxy_set_header Host $host;
-        '';
-      };
-      "/media/" = {
-        root = "/var/pretalx-public/";
-      };
-      "/static/" = {
-        root = "/var/pretalx-public/";
-      };
+  services = {
+    # so the default pretalx module doesn't allow TLS foo by default, don't ask
+    # me why...
+    nginx.virtualHosts."talks.emile.space" = {
+      forceSSL = true;
+      enableACME = true;
-  };
-  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers = {
     pretalx = {
-      image = "pretalx/standalone:latest";
-      ports = [
-        "${toString ports.talks}:80"
-      ];
-      volumes = [
-        "/var/pretalx-data:/data" # {static, media}
-        "/var/pretalx-public:/public"
-        "/var/pretalx-public/static:/pretalx/src/static.dist"
-        # "/var/pretalx-public-media:/public/media"
-        "${pretalx_config}:/etc/pretalx/pretalx.cfg:ro"
-        "/run/redis-pretalx/redis.sock:/pretalx/redis.sock"
-      ];
-    };
-  };
-  services.redis.vmOverCommit = true;
-  services.redis.servers."pretalx" = {
-    enable = true;
-    port = 0;
-    unixSocketPerm = 666;
-    user = "pretalxuser";
-  };
-  users = {
-    groups."pretalxuser" = {};
-    users."pretalxuser" = {
-      #isNormalUser = true; # we're setting the uid manually, nix should detect this, but whatever...
-      uid = 999;
-      group = "pretalxuser";
-      description = "The user for pretalx. Created, as we need a user to set the permissions for the redis unix socket";
+      package = pkgs.pretalx;
+      enable = true;
+      plugins = with config.services.pretalx.package.plugins; [ pages ];
+      user = "pretalx";
+      group = "pretalx";
+      nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        domain = "talks.emile.space";
+      };
+      settings = {
+        site = {
+          url = "https://talks.emile.space";
+          debug = false;
+          csp = "https://talks.emile.space,http://localhost:8080,'self'";
+        };
+        mail = {
+          from = "tickets@emile.space";
+          host = "mail.emile.space";
+          user = "mail";
+          password = "${config.age.secrets.mail_password.path}";
+          port = 1025;
+          tls = "on";
+          ssl = "off";
+        };
+        redis = {
+          session = true;
+          location = "unix://${config.services.redis.servers.pretalx.unixSocket}?db=0";
+        };
+      };
-  # 15,45 * * * * docker exec pretalx-app pretalx runperiodic