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path: root/nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix
diff options
authorEmile <git@emile.space>2024-03-09 22:56:01 +0100
committerEmile <git@emile.space>2024-03-09 22:56:01 +0100
commit55ee036fd7ebed24097c8da1ca8a0b0829264670 (patch)
tree9c600d75a4f59f8ec253c5caadc1f77b2cecb0da /nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix
big bang
Diffstat (limited to 'nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix b/nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3428cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/hosts/caladan/home_emile.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  home = {
+    stateVersion = "22.11";
+    username = "emile";
+    homeDirectory = "/Users/emile";
+  };
+  # let home-manager install and manage itself
+  programs = {
+    home-manager.enable = true;
+    direnv = { 
+      enable = true;
+      nix-direnv.enable = true;
+    };
+    htop = {
+      enable = true;
+      settings.show_program_with_path = true;
+    };
+    zsh = {
+      enable = true;
+      enableCompletion = true;
+      #syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
+      shellAliases = import ./aliases.nix;
+      enableAutosuggestions = true;
+      oh-my-zsh = {
+        enable = true;
+        plugins = [ "git" "vi-mode" "web-search" "urltools" ];
+      };
+      # this has to be added, so we can ssh into the host using deploy-rs and
+      # access the `nix-store` stuff
+      envExtra = ''
+        if [ -e '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh' ]; then
+          . '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh'
+        fi
+      '';
+      initExtraBeforeCompInit = ''
+        ${builtins.readFile ./session_variables.zsh}
+        ${builtins.readFile ./functions.zsh}
+        eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
+        setopt autocd 		# cd without needing to use the cd command
+      '';
+    };
+    kitty = {
+      enable = true;
+      # font = pkgs.iosevka;
+      font = {
+        name = "Iosevka Nerd Font";
+        size = 13;
+      };
+      settings = {
+        font_size = 12;
+        disable_ligatures = "never";
+        close_on_child_death = "yes";
+        tab_bar_edge = "top";
+        tab_bar_style = "slant";
+        tab_bar_min_tabs = 1;
+        # tab_title_template = "{index}[{layout_name[0:2]}]: {title.replace('emile', 'e')[title.rfind('/')+1:]}";
+        tab_title_template = "{index}[{layout_name[0:2]}]: {title.replace('emile', 'e')}";
+        editor = "/Users/emile/.cargo/bin/hx";
+        macos_option_as_alt = "no";
+        macos_quit_when_last_window_closed = "yes";
+        kitty_mod = "ctrl+shift";
+        clear_all_shortcuts = "";
+      };
+      keybindings = {
+        "cmd+enter" = "launch --cwd=current --location=split";
+        "cmd+shift+enter" = "launch --cwd=current --location=hsplit";
+        "cmd+shift+h" = "move_window left";
+        "cmd+shift+j" = "move_window down";
+        "cmd+shift+k" = "move_window up";
+        "cmd+shift+l" = "move_window right";
+        "cmd+shift+m" = "detach_window ask";
+        "command+j" = "kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window bottom command+j";
+        "command+k" = "kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window top    command+k";
+        "command+h" = "kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window left   command+h";
+        "command+l" = "kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window right  command+l";
+        "command+b" = "combine : clear_terminal scroll active : send_text normal,application \x0c";
+        # "ctrl+n" = "send_text all \x0e";
+        "ctrl+e" = "send_text all \x01h";
+        "ctrl+n" = "send_text all \x01i";
+        "ctrlshift++n" = "send_text all \x01i";
+        "ctrl+left" = "resize_window wider";
+        "ctrl+right" = "resize_window narrower";
+        "ctrl+up" = "resize_window shorter";
+        "ctrl+down" = "resize_window taller";
+      };
+      environment = { };
+    };
+  };
+  home.packages = with pkgs; [
+    coreutils mpv
+    # terminal foo
+    kitty
+    jq ripgrep fd eza lsd tree broot
+    du-dust mktemp htop rsync
+    p7zip imagemagick binwalk lftp
+    graphviz
+    git tig 
+    # nix related tools
+    deploy-rs
+    cachix
+    nixos-rebuild
+    # editor
+    helix
+    nodePackages_latest.typescript-language-server # js language server
+    nil # nix language server
+    nodePackages.yaml-language-server # yaml language server
+    # binary foo
+    radare2
+    # network foo
+    curl
+    wireguard-tools
+    # tailscale
+    # rss foo
+    yarr
+    # go foo
+    go delve
+    # c foo
+    cmake
+    # iot hack foo
+    minicom
+    SDL2
+    # macos foo
+    # karabiner-elements
+    # qemu tooling
+    qemu
+    sphinx #docs
+    virt-manager
+    # lisp foo
+    unstable.sbcl
+    # infrastructure as code foo
+    terraform ansible
+  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+    m-cli
+  ];