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path: root/nix/hosts
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authorEmile <git@emile.space>2024-10-29 22:46:21 +0100
committerEmile <git@emile.space>2024-10-29 22:46:21 +0100
commit07bb34601b5764c8beeb63559426ad3f609a3ac7 (patch)
tree5b28b19f2048d859a7e70ee6c45a338d44eb9bf8 /nix/hosts
parent266d18f3ee8c3ce6b8fcee9a4ff2925ccd59bee9 (diff)
lernaeus config
Diffstat (limited to 'nix/hosts')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/nix/hosts/lernaeus/configuration.nix b/nix/hosts/lernaeus/configuration.nix
index 26444e7..57cacb9 100644
--- a/nix/hosts/lernaeus/configuration.nix
+++ b/nix/hosts/lernaeus/configuration.nix
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
-  lib,
@@ -21,6 +20,130 @@ in
+  ##################
+  # sound
+  sound.enable = true;
+  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;
+  hardware.pulseaudio.support32Bit = true;    ## If compatibility with 32-bit applications is desired.
+  users.extraUsers.emile.extraGroups = [ "audio" ];
+  ##################
+  # nvidia foo
+  nixpkgs.config = {
+    allowBroken = true;
+    allowUnfree = true;
+  };
+  # Enable OpenGL
+  hardware.opengl = {
+    enable = true;
+    driSupport = true;
+    driSupport32Bit = true;
+  };
+  # Load nvidia driver for Xorg and Wayland
+  services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];
+  hardware.nvidia = {
+    # Modesetting is required.
+    modesetting.enable = true;
+    # Nvidia power management. Experimental, and can cause sleep/suspend to fail.
+    # Enable this if you have graphical corruption issues or application crashes after waking
+    # up from sleep. This fixes it by saving the entire VRAM memory to /tmp/ instead 
+    # of just the bare essentials.
+    powerManagement.enable = false;
+    # Fine-grained power management. Turns off GPU when not in use.
+    # Experimental and only works on modern Nvidia GPUs (Turing or newer).
+    powerManagement.finegrained = false;
+    # Use the NVidia open source kernel module (not to be confused with the
+    # independent third-party "nouveau" open source driver).
+    # Support is limited to the Turing and later architectures. Full list of 
+    # supported GPUs is at: 
+    # https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules#compatible-gpus 
+    # Only available from driver 515.43.04+
+    # Currently alpha-quality/buggy, so false is currently the recommended setting.
+    open = false;
+    # Enable the Nvidia settings menu,
+    # accessible via `nvidia-settings`.
+    nvidiaSettings = true;
+    # Optionally, you may need to select the appropriate driver version for your specific GPU.
+    package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.stable;
+  };
+  ##################
+  # xserver foo
+  environment.pathsToLink = [ "/libexec" ]; # links /libexec from derivations to /run/current-system/sw
+  services.displayManager.defaultSession = "none+i3";
+  services.xserver = {
+    enable = true;
+    desktopManager = {
+      xterm.enable = false;
+    };
+    windowManager.i3 = {
+      enable = true;
+      extraPackages = with pkgs; [
+        dmenu # application launcher most people use
+        i3status # gives you the default i3 status bar
+        i3lock # default i3 screen locker
+        i3blocks # if you are planning on using i3blocks over i3status
+      ];
+    };
+  };
+  #########
+  # sunshine foo
+  services.sunshine = {
+    enable = true;
+    package = pkgs.sunshine;
+    autoStart = true;
+    # Whether to give the Sunshine binary CAP_SYS_ADMIN, required for DRM/KMS screen capture.
+    capSysAdmin = true;
+    # https://docs.lizardbyte.dev/projects/sunshine/en/latest/about/advanced_usage.html#configuration
+    # settings
+    openFirewall = true;
+    # applications.env
+    # applications.apps
+    # applications
+  };
+  ################
+  # steam foo
+  programs.steam = {
+    enable = true;
+    gamescopeSession.enable = true;
+  };
+  programs.gamemode.enable = true;
+  ################
+  # bluetooth
+  hardware.bluetooth.enable = true; # enables support for Bluetooth
+  hardware.bluetooth.powerOnBoot = true; # powers up the default Bluetooth controller on boot
+  services.blueman.enable = true;
+  ################
   boot = {
     loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
     kernelParams = [ "ip=dhcp" ];
@@ -41,6 +164,9 @@ in
+  boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "nvidia" ];
+  boot.extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidia_x11 ];
   fileSystems = {
     "/".options = [ "compress=zstd" ];
     "/home".options = [ "compress=zstd" ];
@@ -76,8 +202,22 @@ in
   environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
+    kitty
+    firefox
+    htop
+    steam
+    mangohud
+    sunshine
+    lutris
+    protonup
+  environment.sessionVariables = {
+    STEAM_EXTRA_COMPAT_TOOLS_PATH = "/home/emile/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d";
+  };
   programs.mosh.enable = true;
   services = {
@@ -105,7 +245,15 @@ in
     settings = {
       auto-optimise-store = true;
+      experimental-features = [
+        "nix-command"
+        "flakes"
+      ];
+    extraOptions = ''
+      extra-platforms = aarch64-linux, x86_64-linux, i686-linux
+    '';
   system = {