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authorEmile <>2024-04-24 22:13:12 +0200
committerEmile <>2024-04-24 22:13:12 +0200
commitd3bf0e52cdd898a6cf070ef48502fcc6f9a35235 (patch)
parentac19d94fbbb0d330c89fdb1225188e0600d9ae49 (diff)
renamed are once again, this time to "square"
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/rooms.lisp b/rooms.lisp
index 0ce109b..7155a2e 100644
--- a/rooms.lisp
+++ b/rooms.lisp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 (define-area-class area name x y width height subs)
-(defmacro area-macro (name x y width height &optional subs)
+(defmacro square (name x y width height &optional subs)
    `(make-instance 'area :name ,name :x ,x :y ,y :width ,width :height ,height :subs ,subs))
 (defmethod print-object ((obj area) out)
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
 ; define the floorplan here
 ; do note: sub-room locations are relative to their parent
 (defparameter floorplan
-  (are "main" 5 5 100 50
-      (list (are "room-1" 0 0 60 20 '())
-            (are "room-2" 0 10 20 40 '())
-            (are "room-3" 5 0 5 5 '())
-            (are "room-4" 10 0 5 10 '()))))
+  (square "main" 5 5 100 50
+      (list (square "room-1" 0 0 60 20 '())
+            (square "room-2" 0 10 20 40 '())
+            (square "room-3" 5 0 5 5 '())
+            (square "room-4" 10 0 5 10 '()))))
 (defparameter floorplan (macroexpand-1
                          (with-open-file (in "floorplan.lisp") (read in))))