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1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/solve.py b/solve.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb7d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solve.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#from pwn import *
+import itertools
+import re
+import random
+# ------------------ EXAMPLE ------------------
+# s = λb ε. ε b     -> s = λx y. x
+# t = λb ε. b ε     -> s = λx y. y
+# Please provide inputs [v1, v2, v3, ..., vn] such that:
+# 	((s) (v1) (v2) (v3) ... (vn)) beta-reduces to (λx y. x)
+# 	((t) (v1) (v2) (v3) ... (vn)) beta-reduces to (λx y. y)
+# How many terms do you want to input? 2
+# Please input term 1: (λa . (λx y . y))
+# Please input term 2: (λa . (λx y . x))
+# Correct!
+#(λe. e (λa . (λx y . y))  (λa . (λx y . x)))
+#(λa . (λx y . y)))  (λa . (λx y . x))
+#p = remote("", 60000)
+# [m] (λa b. a b a) (λa b. a) (λa b. b)
+# [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) b a) (λa b. b)
+# [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) b (λe f. e)) (λa b. b)
+# [m] (λa b. (λc d. c) (λg h. g) (λe f. e)) 
+def get_expr(value, get_func=False):
+    brace_count = 0
+    ret = []
+    partial_ret = ""
+    for char in value:
+        if char == "(":
+            brace_count += 1
+        if char == ")":
+            brace_count -= 1
+        partial_ret += char
+        if brace_count == 0:
+            ret.append(partial_ret)
+            partial_ret = ""
+            # only get func, stop at first occurence of brace_count = 0
+            if get_func == True:
+                break
+            else:
+                # only stop at end of string
+                # we're contining until we're done with the string
+                pass
+    if '' in ret:
+        ret.remove('')
+    if ' ' in ret:
+        ret.remove(' ')
+    return ret
+def normalize(expr):
+    alphabet_free = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
+                'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
+                'y', 'z']
+    alph = alphabet_free.copy()
+    mappings = {}
+    for i, char in enumerate(expr):
+        if char in alph:
+            if char not in mappings:
+                newchar = alphabet_free[0]
+                alphabet_free.remove(newchar)
+                mappings[char] = newchar
+            else:
+                newchar = mappings[char]
+            expr[i] = newchar
+    return expr
+def match(a, b):
+    print()
+    print(f"[] {a=}")
+    print(f"[] {b=}")
+    a = list(a)
+    b = list(b)
+    a = normalize(a)
+    b = normalize(b)
+    a = ''.join(a)
+    b = ''.join(b)
+    print(f"[] {a=}")
+    print(f"[] {b=}")
+    return a == b
+def beta_reduce(expression):
+    # used to track "free" variable names
+    alphabet_free = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
+                'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
+                'y', 'z']
+    alphabet_used = []
+    print(f"[i] input: {expression}")
+    # parse the func
+    func = get_expr(expression, True)[0]
+    expression = expression.replace(func, "").strip() # delete func from expression
+    print(f"[i] \t| {func=}")
+    # parse the parameters
+    params = re.search("λ([a-z ]+)\.", func).group(1).split(" ")
+    for val in params:
+        if val in alphabet_free:
+            alphabet_free.remove(val)
+        if val not in alphabet_used:
+            alphabet_used.append(val)
+    alphabet_free = list(set(alphabet_free))
+    print(f"[i] \t| {params=}")
+    body = re.search("λ[a-z ]+\.([λ.()a-z ]+)\)", func).group(1)[1:]
+    body = get_expr(body)
+    #.split(" ")
+    for val in body:
+        if val in alphabet_free:
+            alphabet_free.remove(val)
+        if val not in alphabet_used:
+            alphabet_used.append(val)
+    alphabet_free = list(set(alphabet_free))
+    #if '' in body: # otherwise we get in the loop below
+    #    body.remove('')
+    #if ' ' in body: # otherwise we get in the loop below
+    #    body.remove(' ')
+    print(f"[i] \t| {body=}")
+    args = get_expr(expression, False)
+    if '' in args: # otherwise we get in the loop below
+        args.remove('')
+    if ' ' in args: # otherwise we get in the loop below
+        args.remove(' ')
+    print(f"[i] \t| {args=}")
+    #print(f"[i] \t| {alphabet_free=}")
+    #print(f"[i] \t| {alphabet_used=}")
+    count_remove = 0 # amount of params/args to remove
+    for i in range(0, len(args)):
+        # all params have been handled, break
+        if count_remove == len(params):
+            break
+        print(f"[ ] {i=} {args[i]=} {params[i]=}")
+        # for each element in the body, try to replace the parameter with the
+        # provided argument
+        for j in range(0, len(body)):
+            print(f"    {i=} {j=} {body[j]} {params[i]=} {args[i]=}")
+            new_arg = args[i]
+            if params[i] in body[j]:
+                partial_alphabet = []
+                for letter in alphabet_used:
+                    if letter in new_arg:
+                        #print(f"{alphabet_free=}")
+                        #print(f"{alphabet_used=}")
+                        char = alphabet_free[0]
+                        new_arg = new_arg.replace(letter, char)
+                        alphabet_free.remove(char)
+                        if char not in alphabet_used:
+                            partial_alphabet.append(char)
+                alphabet_used.extend(partial_alphabet)
+            body[j] = body[j].replace(params[i], new_arg)
+            print(f"    new body char {body[j]}")
+            print(f"    new body = {' '.join(body)}")
+        count_remove += 1
+    #for char in params[:count_remove]:
+    #    alphabet_used.remove(char)
+    #    alphabet_free.append(char)
+    params = params[count_remove:]
+    args = args[count_remove:]
+    #print(f"{len(alphabet_free)=}")
+    #print(f"{len(alphabet_used)=}")
+    #print(f"{alphabet_used=}")
+    if len(params) == 0:
+        # return espression only
+        new_params = " ".join(params)
+        new_body = " ".join(body)
+        new_args = " ".join(args)
+        new_expression = f"{new_body} {new_args}"
+        return new_expression
+    else:
+        # return partially applied function
+        new_params = " ".join(params)
+        new_body = " ".join(body)
+        new_args = " ".join(args)
+        new_expression = f"(λ{new_params}. {new_body}) {new_args}"
+        return new_expression
+# get an expression and beta reduce it as long as it is a function or starts
+# with a function
+def recurse(expression):
+    expression = expression.strip()
+    while expression[1] == "λ" and len(get_expr(expression))>1:
+        expression = beta_reduce(expression).strip()
+        print(f"[d] {expression=}")
+    return expression
+expr_true = "(λc d. c)"
+expr_const_true = f"(λa. {expr_true})"
+expr_false = "(λe f. f)"
+expr_const_false = f"(λb. {expr_false})"
+expr_and = "(λa b. a b a)"
+expr_or = "(λa b. a a b)"
+expr = f"{expr_and} {expr_true} {expr_false}"
+r1 = recurse(expr)
+#and_true_false = f"{expr_and} {expr_true} {expr_false}"
+#r1 = recurse(and_true_false)
+#print(f"[m] {r1=}\n")
+##possible_vals = [expr_true, expr_false, expr_and, expr_or,
+#possible_vals = [expr_const_true, expr_const_false]
+#while True:
+#    rand1 = random.choice(possible_vals)
+#    rand2 = random.choice(possible_vals)
+#    s = "(λa b. a (a b))"
+#    t = "(λa b. a (a a))"
+#    term_s = " ".join([s, rand1, rand2])
+#    term_t = " ".join([t, rand1, rand2])
+#    goal_s = "(λa b. a)"
+#    goal_t = "(λa b. b)"
+#    print(f"[ ] {s=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {t=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {term_s=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {term_t=}")
+#    r_s = recurse(term_s)
+#    r_t = recurse(term_t)
+#    print(f"[ ] {r_s=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {r_t=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {goal_s=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {goal_t=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {match(r_s, goal_s)=}")
+#    print(f"[ ] {match(r_t, goal_t)=}")
+#    if match(r_s, goal_s) and match(r_t, goal_t):
+#        print(40*"=")
+#        print(f"[ ] {s=} {t=}")
+#        print(f"[ ] {rand1=}")
+#        print(f"[ ] {rand2=}")
+#        print(40*"=")
+#        break